Chapter 19

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Your POV

I woke up with Axel on my left and Roxy on my right.

I looked to my left once more and saw Vlyad sleeping in the bed a few feet next to me.

I got out of bed without disturbing the puppies or Vlyad and I looked at the sun.

It's about six in the morning.

I turned around and saw that both German Shepard's were awake. I decided I was going to let Vlyad sleep, so I carried both dogs down the latter by myself quickly yet quietly.

It's still pretty early so I decided I was just gonna watch the sunrise at the beach.

While sitting on the beach with my puppies, I realized something was washed up on the shore.

I walked over to what the object could be and I realized that it was an acoustic guitar.

Been a while since I played.

I picked it up and walked back to where I was sitting before.

I personally don't feel like singing first thing in the morning, so I just strummed my guitar and hummed along with it.

After an hour I stopped and stood up. I began to walk back to Phoenix Drop when I realized Vlyad was watching me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked nervously.

"For a good fifty minutes." Vlyad replied with a smirk.

I went completely red from being embarrassed.

"You're really good at playing." He complimented.

"Thank you." I smiled.


Katelyn just returned from Scaleswind; she decided she was going to rest.

I walked to the plaza with Axel and Roxy.

I can defiantly fix this up.

I then started to walk around the rest of the ruins of Phoenix Drop. I got to Kiki's old barn.

I sat in front of the tree Dmitri sat in front of when Travis gave him family advice.


I was walking out of my sleeping chambers. I finally finished writing so I wanted to find my mom and dad.

For being thirteen, I did a pretty good job on the assignment.

It's weird.

My dad doesn't want me to leave the castle. And if I do leave the castle, my father and his head guard have to accompany me.

That was the second most important rule. The most important was never to travel outside of the O'khasis walls.

He says that someone will always try to hurt me. To kill me.

I believed him, so I obeyed his orders.

I was passing by the mini library when I heard talking.

"You can't make her do that." Simon, his assistant said. "She's only thirteen. And you shouldn't strip away all of her privileges."

"Simon, you don't understand. I just don't want her to end up like Garroth, Zane, or Vlyad. Zianna and I were so distraught when our sons disappeared; we can't go through that again." My father explained.

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