Chapter 7

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Your POV

"Why'd you come here?" Dante asked when I climbed up the latter.

"Because you were there for me in my time of need, now it's my turn to be there for you." I explained.

"Wait till you hear the story. Do you wanna hear the story?" Dante asked.

I nodded and he explained everything.

Nicole came up then Kawaii~Chan.

I left because I have no more business here.

~•Sorry but Another Magical Time Skip•~

It was my turn to take watch it was around three in the afternoon.

I saw Laurence come up from below deck.

"What're you doing awake?" I asked. "Everyone else is napping."

"It's my turn to take watch." He replied.

"I can keep watch still." I smiled.

"You should get some rest." Laurence suggested.

"But I have a bunch of energy!" I complained.

"Then stay here with me." He said.

"Deal." I said, causing him to laugh.

I picked up my book that I was reading.

"What're you reading?" He asked.

"This journal Zoey wrote about how to get out of the Irene Dimension. Aphmau's letting me borrow it while she sleeps." I explained.

"I still don't understand why you're so obsessed with getting them out of there." Laurence commented. "I know why everyone else and I are, but you-"

"If I tell you something, promise you won't tell anyone else." I cut Laurence off. "And that you won't laugh at me."

"I promise." He promised.


I what's the cut off by hearing thunder. I looked to my right and saw a huge storm coming right at us.

"I'll get the others. You dock the boat, quickly." I ordered.

I woke the others while Laurence got us to shore. We got off the boat and Aphmau and I started to talk to Katelyn about where we are.

I looked at the boat and saw two blunettes coming up from below deck. I walked forward and screamed at the top of my lungs.


"Adventure!" Dmitri cheered.

"Dmitri!" I exclaimed.

"That's my name! Don't wear it out! Why are you so angry?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Do you two realize how far we are from Phoenix Drop and Scaleswind?" I emphasized the word far in that sentence.

"Yup! We wanted to join you on your adventure!" Nekoette smiled innocently.

"We are lost right now. Both of your parents are probably going ballistic right now. We're in so much trouble." I explained trying to keep my cool.

"Like I said before, we can't get in trouble if they can't find us." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go on an adventure Nekoette!" Dmitri cheered.

"Okay." Nekoette smiled.

They both ran off. I started running after them.

"Laurence!" I called out while still running.

"Already on it!" Laurence said catching up to me.

We saw that the two 'adorable and lovely ' children were being threatened with weapons by three people.

I ran in front of them.

"Leave. Them. Alone." I growled protectively.

"My sincerest apologies. We have withdrawn our weapons. We didn't know if they were imps or actual children." The man in the middle said.

"Back. Up." I said sternly.

They obeyed my orders.

Laurence walked beside me.

"We were unaware that their parents were looking for them."

"Parents? As in, Laurence and I?" I gestured toward Laurence then me on the final question.

He nodded.

"No! No, no, no. We are not their parents. We are simply their guardians." I explained.

"In any case, tell me your name." He said.

"..My name is (Y/n)." I said hesitantly.

"That's sounds so familiar." He said. "My name is Asmund son of Erik. I am the leader of the proud Enki warrior tribe."

His name is familiar too.

"Pleasure to meet you." I said kindly.

"Pleasure's all mine."

I started to explain what happened to us on the ship and how we were thrown off course. He invited me to his village.

"Laurence take the children back to the boat. I'm going to the village." I said quickly.

"I don't want you going alone." Laurence replied instantly.

"I can take care of myself Laurence." I said sternly.

"I'm coming after you as soon as the kids are safe." Laurene reasoned.

I nodded and we both parted ways.

I started talking with Asmund and he gave me a new variety of information.

"Thank you Asmund. I shall take my leave." I said before I left.

I started to walk back towards the boat and I saw Laurence.

"Laurence!" I called out.

"(Y/n)! Did you find anything that could help us out?" Laurence asked eagerly.

"I did. But we'll need to put ourselves in a situation." I started.

"I'm all ears." He said.

I started giggling.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat. "We may have to pay a visit to a Demon Warlock."

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