Chapter 3

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Your POV

I told Laurence about the note and he was excited for me to accompany them on their adventures.

He started to explain everything. What's been happening the past fifteen years and stuff like that.

Of course, I already knew everything from what Dante and what everyone else in the village has told me.

"Can you tell me more about the Ro'meave's?" I asked Laurence.

"Why are you so interested in them?" He asked curiously.

I shrugged.

It's not because I'm in that family or anything.

He started to explain what he knew about the Ro'meave's.

I nodded.

"Is there any way at all to get Zane and Garroth out?" I emphasized the words any and way.

"Not that we know of." Laurence replied sadly.

"So I really am the last Ro'meave child." I whispered, on the brink of tears.

"What was that?" Laurence asked.

"Nothing." I shook my head.

"You sure?" He asked.

I nodded.

"We should get going. The ship is ready to head to Scaleswind." Laurence said.

I nodded once more and we started walking towards the boat.

Aphmau, Katelyn, Laurence, and I were the ones going on his journey. Everyone else was to stay here.

We were on our way when Aphmau stopped the boat because of a house that reminded her of her past.

Everyone got off the boat and a girl with yellow eyes, long purple hair, and somewhat tan skin came out and started explaining who she was.

She eventually allowed us inside and made us tea and cookies.

Don't eat the cookies and don't drink the tea.

My Sensory Magicks aren't getting any positive vibes from this girl.

She started to talk to Aphmau, while Katelyn was in her kitchen, and Laurence was looking at some books. I was sitting on the stairs observing this Meif'wa's every move.

"Why don't you drink some tea and and eat some cookies?" The cat girl named Michi, asked.

"I had a big breakfast this morning so I'm not really hungry." I lied.

Please buy it! Please buy it! Please buy it!

"Then drink the tea at least." She gave a cute smile.

"I'm not a big tea drinker." I lied once more.

Please buy it! Please buy it! Please buy it!

"Hmmm." She drifted into thought.

I'm glad she bought it. I'm a horrible liar. The only time I can make a lie seem true, is in dire situations such as this. An even then it's difficult to make it sound true.

Don't drink the tea, don't eat the cookies.

Michi started to walk over in Laurence's direction in a flirty way.

"Hello there~" Michi said in a flirtatious tone.

"Back. Off." I growled as I walked in front of Laurence.

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