Chapter 9

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Your POV

We were brought back by Aaron. Nekoette and Dmitri were laying peacefully while Aphmau and I ended up on our stomachs.

We stood up, confused as to what just happened.

"Are you four okay?" Aaron asked.

I check in Dmitri and Aphmau checked on Nekoette.

We both nodded.

"Let's get back to the village." Arron said.

I picked up Nekoette and Aaron picked up Dmitri. We then made our way back to the boat.

"You two look shaken up." Aaron commented.

Aphmau explained what happened while kept my mouth shut.

I understand why she was an angel, but why me?

We entered Asmund's home and placed both the children on their own beds.

Aphmau explained, again, what happened to both of us to Asmund and Laurence.

She was getting to the part where we transformed, so I just walked out of the room. I just stared at the sea.

I'm so confused right now.

A few minutes later, Laurence came outside.

"You're not a monster." Laurence said as I continued to stare at the ocean.

"And why do you feel the need to tell me this?" I sassed.

"From what is sounds like, you lost control." He reasoned. "Losing control over a power is scary. But losing control of a power you didn't even know you had, its terrifying. At least you lost control for a good reason. Mine was just for jealousy."

"For the millionth time Laurence, you are not a bad person." I reminded him.

"You remind me of that everyday." He commented.

"And I'll continue to do so until you realize it's the truth." I stated firmly.

"Your power doesn't sound evil." He said.

"No. If you saw Aphmau in that moment, her power was beautiful. It gave you a comforting, a safe feeling. But if you took one look, one glance at me, sheer terror." I explained.

He sighed.

"The point I'm trying to make is, you were always there for me. Now I'll always be here for you." He smiled walking next to me.

"Thank you." I finally looked at him.

"Your welcome." He smiled. "I'll leave you to your thoughts."

He walked away.

Thank you Laurence. I appreciate it, a lot.

Heh, it's hard to think that my birthday is tomorrow.

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