Chapter 24

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Your POV

While exploring this castle type thing, Katelyn and Laurence started to tease each other.

"I'm going to stop this before this get out of hand." I stopped them.

All of a sudden, the floor gave out from underneath Laurence and I. Laurence grunted, and I winced once we hit the ground.

"Not again.." I whined.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" Katelyn asked worriedly from above.

"We're fine!" Laurence replied.

"I was asking (Y/n)!" Katelyn shot back.

"I'm fine Katelyn! Just a little bruised." I replied.

"Don't worry Katelyn, I'm okay too." Laurence joked.

I giggled a bit.

"You have a beautiful girl on top of you! Of course you're okay!"

"U-Ummm." I said awkwardly.

I looked at Laurence and we both blushed. I then looked up at Katelyn and Aphmau once more.

"Katelyn and I are gonna look for a way to get to you." Aphmau declared.

"Be safe!" I ordered.

"You too!" Aphmau replied.

"Have fun looking at rocks!" Laurence teased.

I giggled again.

"Let go of (Y/n) and start looking around!" Kalyan shot back.

Katelyn and Aphmau took their leave.

I then looked back at Laurence awkwardly.

"And we're in this position again." Laurence joked.

"Yeah." I let out a nervous sigh.

A few seconds went by and I said, "Say, you should let me go so we can start looking around this place."

"Gah, I didn't realize-"

"It's okay." I cut Laurence off.

I got off him and we stood up.

"Katelyn does have a point though." I teased.

"What do you mean?" Laurence gave me a questioning look, as we started to look around the ruins.

"This is the second hole you've fallen down in the past few day. I think you have a problem." I continued to tease.

"This is a completely different situation!" He defended. "This hole found me! I was minding my own business and this hole ate me!"

"Are you trying to tell me that holes are out to get you?" I questioned.

"That's not what I meant-"

"I'm proud of you Laurence." I joked. "Admitting you have a problem is the first step in fixing it!"

"(Y/n), that's not-"

"Wait, actually, don't take anymore steps." I cut Laurence off. "Because you might fall in another hole."

"Hey!" Laurence now blushing in embarrassment.

I started laughing like crazy.

Laurence growled and threw me over his shoulder.

"Um excuse me, but can you put me down?" I sassed.

"Nope!" Laurence said popping the p.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because you might fall in a hole. Remember, you've been falling in them too." Laurence joked.

"Uh- what ever!" Was all I could say.

We laughed. And we couldn't stop. But then at the same time, we just stopped. And the mood shifted.

"Why can't anything be easy?" Laurence asked me.

"I have no idea." I sighed.

Laurence the put me down. To lighten the mood, I then jumped on his back so he could give me a piggyback ride.

"You wanted to carry me so badly." I smirked.

Laurence chuckled.

"But I do have to admit, you're too tall." I said.

"You're too short." He shot back.

I gasped and said, "You did not just call me short."

"Yes I did, shorty." He teased.

"You're just too freakishly tall!" I'm only good at comebacks when the situation is important and not playful.

He chuckled and he continued walking.

"It's starting to get darker." Laurence analyzed a few minutes later.

I got off his back and he pulled out two torches. He struck a match and lit them both in fire. He kept one and handed the other to me.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome." He replied.

We continued walking until we stumbled upon a picture. It was a picture of lady Irene and mages in cloaks; I guess they're the Divine Warriors.

As I was analyzing it, I saw that there were words on the page.

"We're in a crypt; a burial chamber." Laurence realized.

"This is- what?" I was confused.

"Why are there two coffins here?" Laurence asked.

One coffin had the Lady Irene's symbol above it, but the other is unknown; I feel drawn to it.

"(Y/n)?" Laurence asked.

I shushed him and continued to focus on the symbol. Aphmau, Katelyn, and sadly Chad all came down here and disturbed my concentration.

I growled but faced them. I then explained to the three of them what we found and our guesses.

I just don't understand why I'm drawn to this place. I can tell Aphmau is too; she has that look on her face.

What does this all mean?

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