Chapter 25

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Your POV

After we got back to camp, everyone decided to sleep. When I woke up his morning, I felt great. The Calling was there, but I had it under more control.

Isabell and I went to go check on Travis and Laurence. They insisted on building one of the first houses today.

"Gah!" I heard Laurence grunt.

"Laurence?" I said to myself worriedly.

"That was too close." Laurence said.

"Agreed." I heard Travis say.

We walked towards their voices and hid behind a bush.

"By Enki! Who knew building a house would be this hard!" Travis complained angrily.

Isabell giggled a bit and I rolled my eyes.

"Agreed." Laurence replied.

"We have no idea what we're doing, do we?" Travis asked dumbfounded-ly.

"Honestly it's a miracle one of us hasn't died yet." Laurence said to Travis.

I started to quietly giggle.

"Yeah. If I knew it was gonna be this difficult, I would've let you do this on your own." Travis sighed.

"Then why'd you volunteer to help?" Laurence shot back.

"And risk you being the only manly one here. Forget about it." Travis said slyly. "Look Laurence, ladies go wild over tough, rugged, builder-y type guys. This is my chance to impress the ladies in the island."

Laurence let out a deep sigh.

I heard he was a Casanova once; shouldn't he understand where Travis is coming from?

I mentally giggled.

"I also wanted a reason to take off my shirt in front of the gals. Did you see the way they gawked over my rock hard abs?"

I snorted.

That did NOT happen and WOULDN'T happen in a million years.

"I'm pretty sure I saw Katelyn, Lucinda, and (Y/n) walk away without even noticing." Laurence said honestly.

Brutal. That's the brutal truth.

"Laurence, we are two hot guys building. Who could resist that?" Travis asked with a big grin.

If only I could slap that grin right off his face.

"I bet there are ladies hiding in the bushes watching us right now." Travis' grin widened. "Waiting for the right moment to pounce."

"Dream. On." Laurence started hammering something.

"Are we really going pounce them?" Isabell asked me.

"No we're not." I reassured her. "You can if you want."

"I'm not like that! I-"

"Well-" Travis cut Isabell off.

"Oh my gosh! Mother of Irene! You scared me Travis!" I cut Travis off.

"You two were takin a while to pounce." Travis continued to grin.

I want death. Please someone take me now.

"We were just-"

"We were just enjoying the show." I said in my flirtatious tone.

Travis went red.


"What'd I tell ya Laurence!" Travis turned to Laurence.

"Of idiots." I said in my normal, emotionless tone.

"Wha?" I confused Travis.

Isabell and I started laughing.

"You guys need need help. A lot of it." I said walking in front of what I believe is supposed to be called a house. "I'll help you guys."

"Yeah!" Travis cheered. "Quick, (Y/n), take off your shirt!"

I gasped and backhanded Travis to the face.

"You should've expected that one, Travis." Laurence said nonchalantly. "And we don't need your help. We got this."

"Laurence, I can't even fit through this door. This is a door, for small dogs and cats." I said slowly.

"Maybe we do need help." Travis stood up rubbing his cheek where I backhanded him. "These hands are meant to hold hips, not hammers."

That deserved a punch in the gut.

And would you look at that, he's back on the ground!

"Besides the last thing Travis said, he's right. Even if you do help us, we'll still need more help." Laurence explained.

"That is true." I agreed. "Though, your building skills speak for itself."

"Hey!" Laurence took offense.

"The door, Laurence. Need I remind you, of the door?" I said emotionlessly.

Isabell started giggling and Laurence went red from embarrassment.

Aphmau then walked up behind me.

"Have you guys seen Lucinda?" Aphmau asked.

"She came back from the forest a bit ago." Travis stood up.

"That's what you were doing when you were supposed to be setting those planks?!" Laurence exclaimed.

"You can't expect me to ignore a beautiful woman." Travis said in defense. "It's inhuman."

I rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"What's Vlyad up to?" I asked a bit too eagerly.

"He's setting up a garden. Or, trying to at least." Laurence answered.

I nodded.

"I'll go check on Vlyad with Isabell." Aphmau stated. "I heard that you wanted to help these two."

"Yeah. These two-"

"Yup. Thank you." Aphmau cut me off understanding what I was going to say.

I nodded and her and Isabell were off.

"First of all, do you even have blueprints?" I asked the boys.

They said no.

"Mother of Irene, this is going to be a long day." I complained out loud.

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