Chapter 28

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Vlyad's POV (just realized we're 29 chapters in and not one POV change.. sorry)

I don't know what to believe.

It does make sense. She has so many of Garroth's features. She has Zane's height. And she has my style in clothes.

She's all of us in one. It was so obvious as well. I believe her; I have to.

That's why when we met she was so happy. That's why we connect so well on a new level. That's why she knew the song mom used to since the three of us at night. That's why she was born on the 31st of August; that's a Ro'meave tradition.

That being said, she's my little sister. She's been alone all these years. She's had to keep such a secret to herself.

She just ran into the woods. Oh my Irene! My little sister just ran into the woods!

I started to run after her. Laurence caught up with me.

"I saw her running too." Laurence said as we continued to run for her.

We ran up a mountain and there she was.

"Laurence, can you give us a moment?" I asked, keeping my attention towards her.

He looked angry.

"I'm not gonna do anything." I reassured him. "It would be illegal."

He looked confused but walked away a bit.

I walked up the mountain.

"You didn't let me explain myself." I said, causing her to jump. "I believe you."

Her eyes widened; they were now filled with tears.

She hugged me and started to cry.

"I missed out so much!" She wailed.

"It's okay." I stroked her hair. "I wasn't there before. But I'm here now, and I'm not leaving."

She cried harder.

"If I had known sooner, I would've helped you sooner. You're not alone. Not anymore." I continued. "We will get them out. Both of them. And we will be reunited."

"O-Only A-Aphmau knows." She cried. "Sh-She promised she would k-keep this a secre-et."

She continued to cry for what felt like hours. Her breathing slowed down and I think she fell asleep. Laurence eventually walked up the mountain.

"She's asleep." I whispered. "Here."

I slowly moved (Y/n) in his direction.

"What're you doing?!" Laurence blushed.

"You love her, take her!" I whispered as Laurence adjusted.

"What?!" He said a bit too loud.

(Y/n) started to shuffle in her sleep.

"Sorry." He whispered.

I nodded.

"I'll take her back to the campsite. She'll be more comfortable there." Laurence stated.

Laurence picked her up bridal style and we walked down the mountain.

"How's The Calling been?" I asked Laurence curiously.

"It's fine." He lied.

"Stop. Lying." I eyed him angrily.

"I'm not lying." He continued to lie.

"We're meditating once (Y/n) is in her tent." I stated.

Laurence rolled his eyes.

He started staring at her.

"Stop that!" I ordered him.

"What?" He questioned me.

"Look, (Y/n) and I have a special relationship. It's not romantic! And it never will be! But she's means a lot to me. So don't hurt her." I finished my sentence with a slight sigh.

"I would never. (Y/n) means a lot to me as well. I don't feel the same you do. It's different." He smiled.

"I understand." I smiled.

Now that I know (Y/n) is MY sister, I won't let anyone hurt her. I won't let her be alone. Her baggage is mine now.

My sister.

We finally got to the campsite and put (Y/n) down.

Your POV

It's been a few weeks since I told Vlyad about me being his sister. We recently, have made big progress on the village.

Aaron and Aphmau have gotten extremely close. And everyone has been doing good.

Laurence and I have been the usual. The flirty comment every once in a while. He's defiantly the reason I'm still sane; same goes for him, I believe.

Vlyad and I decided it would be best if we were to keep the sibling thing a secret. We told Aphmau about Vlyad knowing and she was extremely happy.

Oh! And the refugees are in Phoenix Drop! Dmitri has made great progress on fighting and other life skills, and Brendan has helped out so much. Not to mention, Brendan's wife and Isabell have gotten along pretty well.

Earlier today, the refugees were telling us a story about Janus the Silver Death. Katelyn knew her because they were both part of the Jury of Nine.

I've never met her, but she sounds terrifying.

It was now night time and I was getting ready for bed. I allowed Laurence and Vlyad to stay in my house for the time being. (They both shared a room).

I have two beds in my room; one for me and one for Dmitri.

"You okay?" Laurence asked me.

I was in the kitchen, staring out the window.

"I'm fine. Great, actually." I smiled.

"You should get to sleep." He suggested.

"You too." I nodded.

I walked towards my room and went to sleep.

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