Chapter 12

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Your POV

We started running underneath some stairs where two kids were talking.

"There were ships bigger than O'khasis ones." On if then said.

"There are no ships bigger than ours." The second child shot back.

We then heard a huge explosion. Then another one. And more. And more.

Screams started to full the streets as chaos brewed all around.

Aphmau and I saw Amber running so we decided to follow her.

"This place is being invaded! We need to get out of here now!" Amber yelled at us.

We nodded and continued to run.

"Who? Why? How?" Aphmau was filled with questions.

Mom, dad, please stay safe.

"There's no time! We need to get out of here now!" Amber said picking up the pace.

We finally got to the same back ally we used to get into O'khasis. We then ran even faster to the thieves guild.

"I need to speak with both of the Meif'wa. Amber leave." The boss stated sternly.

Amber obeyed orders and left.

The boss started to speak about how the thieves guild needs to leave.

Aphmau snapped and demanded we got our answers. She told us that Michi tried to sell them to her but the boss declined.

We then left the guild.

We ran towards Nahakra Village and eventually met up with our friends. We told them everything.

We made a plan to leave. Aphmau, Vlyad, and I then started to look for Aaron while everyone else prepared to leave.

We then found Laurence looking for us.

"We need to get out of here now!" He ordered.

"What about Aaron?" Aphmau asked.

"We have to go!" Laurence said. "It's now or we risk them following us back to Phoenix Drop!"

"We can't lose him!" I argued.

"I can't lose you!" He replied passionately.

We stared at each other for a moment. I then nodded.

"Aphmau.." I turned to Aphmau.

"I know." Aphmau said sadly.

Aphmau, Vlyad, Laurence, and I then started running towards the forest.

We met up with everyone else and Aphmau became.. distant. She was worried for Aaron. I can tell. It's written all over her face.

They started to ask if she was alright. She then started walking in a random direction. Everyone followed her.

She then saw Aaron walking by and ran up to him. Everyone caught up to them. We continued to walk but stopped when Aaron stopped walking.

"This is all I know. Any point from here I am unaware of." Aaron explained.

Everyone nodded. We then saw a man. I ran up to him.

"(Y/n)! Back away from him he could be one of them!" Laurence warned.

"He's not!" I replied.

"Are you armed?" I asked the man.

"No, I'm just.. really thirsty." He said in a dehydrated tone.

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