Chapter 20

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Your POV

"(Y/n)!" Malachi ran up to me. "Everyone has returned from their journey!"

My eyes widened.

I was cutting some carrots and immediately dropped the knife in the floor when he told me the news.

Without hesitation, I ran out of the house and to the docks.

There I saw the one and only, Laurence.

"Laurence!" I shouted to grab his attention.

"(Y/n)?" He turned to me.

I ran to him and jumped onto him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and my arms snaked around his neck.

"Someone missed you." Travis teased Laurence and I.

"Shut it." Laurence and I growled in unison as we turned our heads to him.

We then looked at each other and laughed.

"In all seriousness, I was really worried." I said once we stopped laughing.

"I was worried for you too." Laurence added.

"(Y/n)! Your dogs have been going crazy!" Vlyad said from behind. "Am I ruining a moment?"

I looked at Vlyad and nodded.

Axel and Roxy then ran to Laurence and started jumping him. Laurence then put me down so he could pet the two German Shepard's.

"Since when did you have puppies?" Laurence asked as he scratched the top of Roxy's head.

"The day I returned from Scaleswind I saw these two dogs right outside of Phoenix Drop." I explained.

"They're adorable." Laurence complimented.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"What're they're names?" He asked looking up at me.

"The one your petting now is Roxy." I answered. "And the one to your left, is Axel."

"That reminds me of Nicole's pet fox." Laurence commented. "Her name was Roxy too."

"Nicole had a fox? I didn't know." I shrugged.

"Heh, she did." Laurence started to pet Axel.

While Laurence played with my dogs, I greeted everyone else.

I met Lucinda and she was really cool. Her red eyes go really well with her orange hair. And her outfit was totally cute.

Dante then ran to us and said that an old witch was at the gates. Malachi, Lucinda, Aphmau, and I ran to check it out.

There we saw Hyria. Out of no where Lucinda attacked the woman. Hyria was now on the ground and Lucinda started walking away.

Aphmau helped Hyria stand while I reprimanded Lucinda.

"Lucinda!" I started. "That's your mother!"

"So?" Lucinda rolled her eyes. "She abandoned my father and I."

"That still doesn't make it right!" I continued. "You can't just greet her after all these years by knocking her to the ground!"

"She isn't worth it." Lucinda muttered stubbornly.

"Look, I understand what it feels like to be abandoned; I do. But Hyria loves and cares for you-"

"JUST COME and get me when she leaves. I do not wish to speak with her." Lucinda cut me off.

She walked away.

Once I knew Hyria was okay, I walked away with Dante and Malachi.

I just don't know what to do. Everyone here is so; confusing.

I walked to the Irene Portal. I just want this thing to be opened.

Hyria and Aphmau came up from behind me.

"Why did you bring me here?" Aphmau asked.

Hyria walked in front of the portal and I walked beside Aphmau.

"Because I know where this leads." Hyria said vaguely.

"Do you know how to open it?" I asked eagerly. "Can you-"

"I cannot open this portal." Hyria cut me off.

"Are you sure? Because someone I- we, care for, is stuck in there." Aphmau asked desperately.

"You two need to take things slowly." Hyria said calmly. "Irene and the other Divine Warriors didn't do everything in one day. Use that map I gave you, and you'll find what you're looking for."

Hyria then walked away.

Aphmau and I looked at each other; we were both confused.

"We're alone." Aphmau stated after a few minutes of silence. "I need to ask you couple questions."

"Like?" I asked, pretending to be clueless.

"Are you the missing daughter of Lord Garte and Queen Zianna?" She asked sternly. "Are you Garroth, Zane, and Vlyad's younger sister?"

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

She nodded.

I let out a deep sigh and said, "Indeed I am."

"How? I've known Garroth for quite some time, even had a few run ins with Zane, and they never mentioned they had a sister. They never mentioned.. you. So how is this possible?" Aphmau asked instantly.

"I was four years old when you left for the Irene Dimension. I wasn't allowed outside of the castle by myself, let alone walls of O'khasis." I started. "My parents, Zianna and Garte, protected me like I was a jewel they couldn't loose. Which makes sense, since they believe their sons are dead."

Aphmau nodded to show she was processing everything.

"One day, I overheard my father talking about an arranged marriage. I was thirteen at the time. You guys had been missing for nine years, but I didn't wanna believe my brothers were just dead. So, I packed my bags and I ran away. I didn't stop until I made to Phoenix Drop." I finished.

"That explains why Vlyad didn't recognize who you were when you met." Aphmau said. "Your brothers don't know they have a sister. And they don't know their sister, is you. That must be terrible."

"Please. I don't want nor do I need, your pity. I've already cried about it." I said bitterly.

"Are you gonna tell them?" Aphmau questioned.

"How would I? I think saying 'hey, I'm your sister that you didn't know existed' sounds pretty stupid I me." I explained. "And, why do you believe me? Why aren't you questioning me? I'm glad you believe me, but I don't have any proof that I am a Ro'meave."

"I can tell you're not lying. You also have a lot of Garroth's facial features. Feminized, of course." Aphmau explained. "All the information adds up as well."

"Don't tell anyone. Please. Especially Vlyad. And I know you see Garroth in your dreams; please don't tell him either." I begged. "If someone's gonna tell them, that someone is gonna be me. And I'll wait until the time is right, of course."

"I promise I'll keep your secret. My only condition is that, when Garroth gets out, you do tell him, Vlyad, and Zane." Aphmau smiled.

"Thank you so much." I thanked.

"You're welcome. And thank you for telling me the truth." Aphmau said.

With that we walked back into the village with smiles on our faces.

I'm ready for our adventure to start up again.

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