Chapter 36

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Your POV

Currently, Aphmau and I took Leona and Nekoette to explore the island.

We saw an figure of Aaron and Aphmau ran towards it.

"Leona! Nekoette! Get back to the others!" I instructed, as I ran after Aphmau.

After running for a bit, she stopped and he was facing her.

"Aphmau, come back." I ordered kindly. "Walk back to me slowly."

"It's you. It really you." Her voice cracked.

"Aphmau." I said sympathetically.

The imp went to attack Aphmau. I rushed to her side and pushed her out of the way. The imp stabbed my left shoulder. With my sword in my right hand, I killed the imp with one slash.

I put a quick spell on the wound to take the pain away for now, but nothing could stop the bleeding.

Aphmau was crying on the ground. I walked to her and helped her stand up.

"Let's go home." I said soothingly.

As we were walking back Aphmau caught me off guard.

"I'm pregnant."

I practically fell backwards.

"Really?" I questioned.

She nodded.

"It's Aaron's baby, isn't it?" I asked.

"Indeed it is. How did you know?" She asked me.

"Well Garroth just came back. Dante has a family of his own. Travis is into Katelyn. And it's sure isn't Laurence's baby. So that only leaves Aaron." I answered.

"I'm gonna tell everyone soon. I just wanted you to know first." She stated. "Thank you for protecting me from the imp."

"It's my job to protect you. It is also my job to protect Lilith and the child you're carrying." I replied.

She nodded.

When we got back, everyone rushed to Aphmau's side as I stood away from them, trying to hide the wound I had just received. They brought her inside her house, and I started to walk back into the forest.

Laurence grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going?" He asked protectively.

"To kill the Demon Warlock! That son of a bitch nearly stabbed Aphmau!" I snapped.

"What do you mean nearly?" Laurence asked.

I bit my lower lip out of nervousness. Laurence then made my whole body face him.

"(Y/n), your shoulder-"

"I don't give a damn about that right now!" I yelled.

"Let's go sit on the beach, and you can explain to me what happened."

"No! He's still alive! For all we know he could-"

"(Y/n), breathe." Laurence said calmly.

I sighed loudly.

"You should take you own advice sometimes." I shot back.

"Heh, I'll that one slide." Laurence smirked. "Let's go to the beach, and meditate. Together."

I sighed with a nod.

We walked to the beach and Laurence calmly asked me what happened. As I was explaining the situation to him, he stopped me.

But he didn't interrupt me with words; he kissed me. This was our first kiss since we started dating. When we pulled away, I blushed.

"I don't want you wandering off alone anymore." Laurence stated. "You always come back injured."

"Laurence, I know it's hard to see someone you care for hurt, but it's my job. I gave up being head guard so I could travel with you guys. A part of me misses being a guard. That's why I do what I do." I explained.

"I know. I shouldn't have told you to stop-"

"It's fine. You were just being protective." I smiled.

"But seriously, try not to get hurt so much." He smirked.

"I'll stop getting hurt when you stop falling into holes." I grinned.

Laurence's face turned red from embarrassment.

"For the last time, I don't look for the holes-"

"The holes find me." I finished with Laurence.

We laughed a bit. So after that, we stood up. Aphmau then walked over.

"You okay?" I asked as Aphmau stood beside me.

"I'm fine. Just a little... dizzy." Aphmau answered vaguely.

"You sure you're alright?" I asked again.

She nodded.

Garroth walked over.

"How is everyone doing?" Garroth asked.

"Fine." I answered.

Laurence nodded and Aphmau took a breath.

Garroth started to ramble about something unimportant. Laurence started to talk with him as well. I was just listening while Aphmau was a bit farther away from us, staring at the ocean.

Aphmau then winced and held her stomach.

"Aphmau!" Laurence Garroth, and I shouted.

I ran in front of her and kneeled in front of her.

"Sit." I instructed.

She did so.

"Is it the baby?" I whispered.

Aphmau nodded.

"Is she okay?" Garroth asked worriedly.

"She just has a stomach ache." I lied.

"You sure?" Garroth asked.

Aphmau nodded.

"I'm gonna take her back home. I think I'm gonna spend the night with her to make sure she's alright. You two head to my home." I stated.

"Ok. Good night baby sis." Garroth smiled.

"What?" I said in a questioning tone.

"I said baby sis, do you not want me to-"

"No, it's fine! It really is!" I interrelated Garroth. "It just caught me off guard."

"Alright, well, goodnight then."

"Night." I replied to Garroth.

"Night, Love." Laurence said to me.

He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. With that, Laurence and Garroth went skipping home together.

(A/n: #Garrence lolol)

I helped Aphmau stand and I brought her home.

"You did a good job with lying." Aphmau commented as she laid in her bed.

"Really? Because I was dying on the inside." I admitted.

"You did fine." She smiled. "Goodnight."


I walked downstairs and I fell asleep on her couch.

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