Chapter 42

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Your POV

We woke the next morning.

Everyone who was at Hyria's home with us last night, had a meeting.

"So Aphmau is Lady Irene, and Y/n is Arabella." Katelyn started. "What do we do now? What's our plan moving forward?"

"Research. We need a better understanding of who they are and what Magicks they behold." Laurence answered.

Aphmau and I exchanged glances. She gave me a look. I couldn't return it.

"That is a good plan." Garroth's stated.

"Where do we even start?" Katelyn asked.

"I still can't believe that it's real." Aphmau spoke up.

"Wish this wasn't such a big deal." I said under my breath.

Apparently, Garroth heard me.

"What do you mean? Don't you want to learn about-"

"Did you all forget we're trying to build the Phoenix Alliance? Did you also forget we're trying to build a capital? Buildings and monuments need to be structured and built. Pacts need to be built with other villages. You can't just tell me we're gonna put that on hold for research." I sassed a bit.

"Y/n breathe." Laurence reassured me.

I looked at him and he draped an arm around my shoulder.

"Research is bare as it is. What is it can we even find?" I asked.

"Emmalyn is doing everything she can." Garroth stated kindly.

"And I'm thankful for that but-"

"Okay!" Emmalyn shouted as she ran into the room. "I have gathered every book I own on Lady Irene and the rest of the Divine Warriors!"

"What about Arabella?" Laurence questioned.

"I'm sorry Laurence. I'm sorry Y/n. I've never even heard the name Arabella mentioned once in any book I've ever read." Emmalyn apologized.

"That's not important to me now. What's important is we get the Phoenix Alliance situated, and finish building the capital. During that process we can research Lady Irene." I made my point clear.

"You don't want any information? At all? About who you are? Nothing-"

I moved away from Laurence and smacked my hand down on the table. I left it there while I made my thoughts clear to everyone in that room.

"Garroth. No. I don't want information. We have worked too damn hard, and sacrificed too much to just put the Phoenix Alliance and the construction of the capital on hold."

Everyone froze. You could've heard a mouse run across the floor.

"I don't want this to be brought up again. Lady Aphmau can obviously talk about her situation, but I don't want mine to be brought up again. Are we clear?"

Everyone nodded slowly.

I decided that was the best time to take my leave. I walked out of the house. My dogs were playing by the ocean and immediately ran to me, once they caught a glance of me.

I started walking to the forest.

I just need to be alone. Everything is happening so fast. I don't know if I can take it anymore.

I thought this is what I wanted. I thought I wanted to reunite my family as quick as possible. But I don't think I was ready.

Thinking about this, I ran into a tree.

I groaned. I then proceeded to flop to the ground in the most dramatic way possible. That didn't need to happen, but it happened anyway.

"Did I really need to do that?" I asked myself.

I stood up and just walked.

A lot has happened.

Between leaving Meteli a year ago, to going on all these adventures and wild goose chases, to getting answers to questions we never knew we had, to building a capital, to finding my family.

It's a lot to handle.

I'm only thinking of myself here. I've caused pain. I've caused a lot of it. I've caused problems.

What if there was a way to change all of it?

It would be the most selfish thing to do, but it'd take pain away, right?

I mean, there is one way. One way. I could erase everyone's memory of me. They wouldn't know anything.

I wouldn't be their problem. I could start a new life.

I was at the top of the highest mountain on this island. There was a patch of grass, with flowers covering the grass like a blanket.

I laid in in middle of the patch, and started to stare at the sky. My dogs laid beside me.

The sky is blue. A beautiful blue. A baby blue. The perfect blue.

Though it was a bright and sunny day, a breeze would run through to keep you from getting too hot.

There are clouds in the sky. Not too many, not too little. Just enough. The perfect amount of sky fluff.

These are the perfect days. These are the days people crave. The days people are happiest.

If that's the case, why am I not happy? Why am I not satisfied? I have everything I've ever wanted.

I have amazing friends. A good home. Responsibilities I asked for. I have a lover. And on top of all that, I have the family I always wanted.

So, why? Why am I not happy? Why am I not satisfied? Why?

The thought of leaving crept back into my mind.

This thought was like a thief in the night. It wants to be there, but it shouldn't. It's wrong. But even though it shouldn't be there, it is.

I stood up and looked at the village.

Would I really want to leave it all behind though? Would I want to leave all my friends? Family? Laurence? Would I want to leave it all behind, and start fresh?

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