Chapter 11

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Your POV

Right now Aphmau and I are walking around the village of Bright Port to try and find Levin, Malachi, and Zoey.

Dante requested for both of us to find them early this morning.

When we stumbled upon a cave causing Aphmau to panic. She told me that there was a Nether portal here fifteen years ago. So naturally, we went to check it out.

It was still active.

"Should we try to close it?" Aphmau asked.

"I've got a bad feeling if we do that." I said.

"Please. I think we can do it."

"My Sensory Magicks are telling me no."

"Well I'm doing, with or without you."


She cut me off by closing it.

She gave me the 'I-told-ya-so' look. I rolled my eyes and we left the cave.

We saw that there was a fire in a cave across from us. We went to check it out.

"Sorry to barge in." Aphmau apologized to the stranger.

He looked oddly familiar.

"..It's you." The man finally spoke after a few minutes.

"Who are you?" Aphmau asked.

He put a mask on.

"You're the person who lead me to Phoenix Drop?!" Aphmau figured out.

The stranger nodded.

I stood there feeling awkward and dumbfounded.

He started to talk about how he left a baby at Aphmau's door. It was Levin.

"What's your name?" Aphmau finally asked.

"It's Vlyad." He said. "What is your friends name?"

My world stopped.

Nothing else mattered to me.

Vlyad is here.

I thought he was dead. That I'd never meet him. That I'd never even get to see him.

But he's standing right here in front of me.

I wanted to yell and tell Vlyad how much I loved him. How much I wanted to meet him. How I was a proud Ro'meave. How I was proud to be called his sister.

But in the end, I knew I couldn't.

"My name is (Y/n). Former head guard of New Meteli. Now I accompany Aphmau on her journeys, as a guard and protector."

"I've heard a lot about you. You have quite the reputation." Vlyad said formally.

"I thank you."

"The thanks is all mine."

They started to talk about who Aphmau was. Garroth was soon brought into their conversation.

"He is dead... did you know him?" Aphmau asked.

He's alive, isn't he? What're you trying to do Aphmau?

I read her mind and gained a good understanding as to what she was doing.

"He is- was my older brother." Vlyad chocked up.

Aphamu then reassured Vlyad that his- I mean our, brother was alive. Vlyad then explained how he did die but then became a Shadow Knight.

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