Chapter 33

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Your POV

We made our way back to Phoenix Drop. Laurence and I held hands the whole time.

Laurence, Garroth, and I started to fill each other in with everything.

When we finally made it back to Phoenix Drop, I was attacked by Dante with a hug. I was still holding Laurence's hand.

"Dante! Let me go!" I shouted.

Dante released me from the embrace, but put his hands on my shoulders.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! How dare you run away! You had Kawaii~Chan and I worried sick! We haven't been so worried since Dmitri and Nekoette ran away! The whole village was terrified for you!"

"Okay DAD, calm down!" I shot back.

"Damn straight I'm like your father!"

"Look, I'm back aren't I?"

"Yes you are. And I'm so glad you are." Dante pulled me into another hug, as he sighed this sentence.

Dante must've noticed Laurence and I still holding hands. He let me go and took a step back.

"What's this?" Dante gestured to Laurence and I's intertwined hands.

"Dante, Laurence and I are-"

"Dating?!" Dante cut me off.

"Don't freak out!" I squeaked.

"Too late!"

"This is oddly funny." Garroth commented. "Dante, if you're like (Y/n)'s dad, doesn't that mean I'm also you're son?"

Laurence and I bursted into a laughing fit.

The two of them started going at it.

"I can still beat you in a match anytime!" Dante shouted.

"Oh really?" Garroth cocked an eyebrow. "Bring it on, old man."

"Puh-lease. I could beat both of you at once." Laurence said cockily.

"Keep talking." I jumped in. "I took you down the first day we met."

"I challenge the four of you." Dante said pulling out his sword.

"Let's do this." Garroth stated.

"I don't see much of a challenge here." Laurence scoffed.

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you guys." I reassured them.

We walked into the forest and started battling. Garroth stayed in the background as Dante, Laurence, and I put in a lot of effort.

Laurence was taken out by Dante. When Laurence was out, Garroth and Dante clashed swords.

As Dante was about to beat Garroth, I poked Dante with my sword.

"Sorry Dante, I want to see how good my brother is." I fake apologized.

"Two head guards." Laurence stated.

"How will this play out?" Dante added.

"My bet goes to (Y/n)." Laurence said, causing me to smile.

"They might be equals."

Garroth shot Dante a look.

"Sorry man." Dante apologized.

"She's my girlfriend." Laurence said.

I then gave Laurence the 'is-that-the-only- reason-your-routing-for-me' look. He shook his head no.

Garroth took the time to cut my cheek with his sword.

I gasped.

"You little-"

"What?" He said innocently.

"That's it!" I shouted.

I went after Garroth. He moved aside.

Damn he's fast! But not a fast as me!

He slashed at me and I ducked.

I jumped up to a tree to tease him.

"What're you-"

"Come on! Are you really gonna let your baby sister put you in your place? Or is it gonna be vise-versa?" I teased.

Garroth then came after me and I jumped down from the tree. Garroth came down afterwards.

Our swords clashed together.

"Not too bad for someone who's been in the Irene Dimension for sixteen years." I retracted my sword. "But it's still not good enough to defeat me!"

Garroth and I charged at each other. At the final moment, I ducked and Garroth ran past me. I quickly turned around and held my sword to Garroth's face.

"I win." I breathed out.

"Indeed you do." Garroth dropped his sword.

I smirked and seethed my sword.

"Alright. I need to go to Meteli." I announced as I dusted dirt off my legs.

"Why?" Laurence stood up.

"Because I need a few things from my old house. Plus, I want to see how the village is doing. I also miss Cadenza." I answered.

"I'll go with you." Vlyad suggested, as he walked up.

"Hi to you too, but Vlyad, you don't need to do that-"

"Garroth could come too. It could be like a family trip." Vlyad added.

"Laurence has to come too." I stated.

"Me? Why me?" Laurence questioned.

"Laurence! Your sister!" I reminded him.

"Oh! Right!" Laurence remembered.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the gates. We decided Garroth could use this time to relax and think.

"Can you guys get me something really quick?" I asked.

"Sure." Vlyad agreed.

"Yeah. What do you need?" Laurence smiled.

"Donna has it. It's a new backpack."

"We'll be back." Vlyad waved.

"See you in sec." Laurence kissed my forehead and they were off.

"Roxy! Axel!" I shouted and they came running. "I missed you so much."

We started running toward New Meteli.

There's one pit stop I need to make before getting to Meteli. It's a dangerous one.

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