Chapter 17

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Your POV

Back to reality.

I woke up and realized that I need to warn Levin and Malachi about what happened in O'khasis.

I wish that I didn't have to. I wish that it could be happy here all the time and there were no worries.

I saw Aphmau walking to the tree house.

"I got it. You need rest." I reassured her.

"They're my sons. They should hear it from me." Aphmau stated. "Find Laurence and go to my house where everyone else is. I have plan."

I nodded and left to find Laurence while she told Malachi and Levin everything.

I found Laurence staring at the ocean.

"Hey." I said nervously.

"Hey." Laurence said casually.

"Aphmau needs to tell us something. She wanted me to find you and bring you to her old house." I stated.

"Mhm." He nodded.

"Wanna talk?" I asked.

"I was just thinking." He shook his head slowly.

"About what?" I asked curiously.

"Garroth. I miss him." Laurence continued to stare at the sea. "He's my blood brother and I just left him behind."

"You didn't have a choice." I reasoned.

"I could've stayed." He said bitterly.

"And if you did-"

"Then he wouldn't be fighting alone." Laurence cut me off.

"And all of the situations we've been in, we wouldn't have been able to get out of without your help."

"What? You mean turning into a Shadow Knight?" He snapped.

"Yes and no." I replied. "Laurence, look at me."


"Look at me." I walked closer to him.



"I can't!"

I walked in front if him and grabbed his face.

"This wasn't your fault." I said sternly. "Nothing is your fault."

"(Y/n), I'm still feeling so guilty." Laurence teared up.

I pulled him into a hug.

"If you stayed, I would be dead right now." I said. "Countless other people would be dead right now."

"Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me." I reassured him. "It's not your fault."

I looked at him.

"Let's go find he others and see what Aphmau wanted to tell us." I smiled.

He nodded and gave a weak smile.

I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his.

We headed towards her house and everyone was waiting for us.

"Where were you two?" Vlyad asked.

My heart dropped seeing his face.

"The beach. I was getting Laurence." I replied.

"Why are you two holding hands?" Travis smirked.

Laurence and I quickly stopped holding hands.

I blushed.

Laurence and I quickly glanced at each other but we looked away immediately when our eyes met each other's.

"Anyway, the reason I called you all here is because few of you are going to accompany me in our journey to Pikaro Village to find Lucinda." Aphmau started. "However, I don't want all of you coming. It'll be a waist of resources, people, and energy."

Everyone nodded and thought about it.

I made my decision; I'm going.

"I don't think you should come (Y/n)." Aphmau said.

"What? No, I'm coming with you." I argued.

"You have done so much for us. But you need rest." Aphmau reasoned.

"I'm going with you. I feel perfectly fine." I said strongly.



"I'll take her with me to Scaleswind." Katelyn cut me off. "Someone needs to tell lord Nicole about O'khasis."

"I'm fine with that." Aphmau agreed. "(Y/n)?"

"I'll be accompanying Katelyn on her journeys." I agreed reluctantly.

"I'll be staying as well." Vlyad announced. "I need to watch over Phoenix Drop."

Aphmau nodded.

"I'm going." Aaron said shortly.

"So are we." Travis said. "Right Laurence?"

".. Right." Laurence agreed reluctantly.

"You don't have to go, Laurence." Aphmau reassured him.

"I do." He said.

"Then let's prepare for our journeys." Aphmau said.

"You better be safe." Laurence turned to me.

"You as well." I smirked. "But I have confidence in you."

"I'm still worried for you." He joked.

"Hey!" I playfully punched him on the arm.

"In all seriousness, stay safe. I'm sure you'll be fine but-"

"I promise." I smiled.

He smiled and we hugged. I turned to Katelyn.

"We are traveling to Scaleswind by a smaller boat." Katelyn stated.

I nodded and began to prepare.

This is going to be different.

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