Leonard Snart Imagine

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You Return from your grave
Btw I will do these for Rip, Mick, Eobard, and Sarah. Maybe Ray. And Jax.
Leonard was playing with your. Necklace around his neck. It brought tears at his eyes. After you died he tried to be a better man. For You. "WE ARE BEING UNDER ATTACK." Rip yelled. Making Leonard jump and strap himself in.  Chronos was on the ships tail. "Boba Fetts here." Leonard said. Not in his usual sassy tone. He opens the Necklace to see a picture of you and him together. Rip crashed the Waverider in a strange place. "Where are we?" Mick said. "The Vanishing point." He said. Leonard looked up to see the old west scenery. "Well we better get some clothes if we're going to stay here." Ray says. As they get their clothes on Everyone's quiet. Ray an Jax  were talking quietly though. As everyone walked out Leonard eyed the pub. He walked inside with Martin and Mick on his tail. Leonard watched Martin gamble. Surprised the old man knew how to do that. Then their was conflict. Leonard rolled his eyes and shot the man. "You killed him?!?" Martin said. Leonard looked at him and said "Your Welcome." Then a bar fight was loose. Fists everywhere. Then a gun shot was heard. A man with face burned appeared. Everyone stopped instantly. The man walked outside with a person on his trail. "The names Jona and this is the sheriff." He said pointing to a young woman. " Now where are you from. Or should I say When." Jona said. Martin gave him a what look. "I don't know what your talking about."  Jona rolled his eyes. "You think your he first time travelers I've seen." He replies. "Yes." Martin says. Jona points to the young woman. "She was one" everyone looks at the woman. The woman lifts her hat up and everyone gasps. "(Y/N)." Leonard says. His voice soft. You give him a look and say. "Do J know You." The team instantly goes quiet. Leonard's Heart breaks in half. You smirk and hug him. "I'm just kidding." Causing the team to sigh in relief.  You kiss Leonard's lips. He smiled remembering your lips. Plump and soft. "How, How." Mick says.  Jona just smirks. "How did I survive. Well I am Rays Cousin." You say smirking. Leonard hugs you and says "please don't leave me again." You smile and nod. "Never again."

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