Malcolm Merlyn Imagine

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You go up to your brother Eobard. He was currently on the computer. He was recruiting his Legion. You sigh and sat down next to him. "So Who are we recruiting?" You asked. He snickered. "Damien Darhk recently killed by Oliver Queen. So far that's all I got." He said. You sigh. "Still haven't got your tattoo yet?" He asks. You shake your head. "I hope I get one. Unlike you." You said. He gave you an offended look. "I never got one because no one loves me." He said. You roll your eyes. "Anyway I better get Damien. And Another guy. I'll be back." He said and raced out. You shrug and sit in his seat. You start to hack the computer. Then you freeze. You felt something on your shoulder. You hurry to the mirror excitement building up inside of you. You move your shirt and see the name. Malcolm Merlyn. You smile at the name. "Finally." Then you heard Eobard come back. You head to the main room. You saw a man with white blonde hair with greyish bluish eyes. Wearing all black. Another guy who was pretty fit. Blue eyes and shirt dark brown hair. You looked at them. "Ok who are here people?" You asked. They turn to you. "This is Damien Darhk. And Malcolm Merlyn." He said. Your eyes widen. Malcolm Merlyn. Fuck. "Otherwise known as Deadman and Washout." He said smirking. You looked at them. Perfect. "Ok let's get started. The amulet is our first and most priority." Eobard said. You nodded and turned to the guys. "Damien your room is over there. And Malcolm's room is next to mine." You said. "Oh yeah. My name is (Y/N) Thawne." You continued. They look at your and Eobard. "I'm her brother Jackasses." Eo Said. They nodded and headed to their room. Damien got to his first while Malcolm stayed back. "Can you help me?" He asked. You nodded. He smirked to himself as you lead the way. After you got to his room he nodded and walked in. You were about to leave when he came behind You. "So. Do you like living here?" He asks. You turn around. "Yeah. I guess." You said. He steps closer. Holy mother fucking shit. You were turned. Holy shit. His lips a few inches from yours. He looked at you. "You sure?" He asks. You stared at him for a couple seconds. This fucker. You then pushed him against the wall. Your lips working with his. He smirks as you kiss him roughly. He slipped his tongue inside your mouth. You and him fighting for dominance. Then Damien walked by. "Well seems your already having a great time." Damien said. "I've been here longer than you. And I still got no greeting like that." He says sarcastically and walks away. You and Malcolm break away. He hugs you tightly. Not letting you go. You wrapped your arms around his neck. He couldn't loose you. Like. Rebecca. He hugged you tighter at the thought. You just met him and he was already In Love with you. You pulled away and kissed is cheek. He smiled softly at you. Then You walked into the main room were Eobard looks at you suspiciously. "What was taking you two so long." He said glaring at Malcolm. "Sorry. He was being a flirty ass." You said. Malcolm smirked slightly. Eobard cursed under his breath and turned to Damien. "Ok Damien I need you. You and I have to try to get the Amulet." He said. Damien nodded and walked after him. Eobard stopped and turned to you and Malcolm. "You two are coming. We are going to get it. We have to be sneaky. Ok." He said. You nodded. As you got on the WaveRider. Eobard and Damien turned left. You and Malcolm went right. You saw the big main area with a bunch of seats. Then you saw the rooms. They were all sleeping so. There was an extra room at the end. Weird. You started to walk towards Rips room. Malcolm kissed you. You glare at him but smile. Rip wasn't there. You'd aw the amulet in the table. You reach for it. Then Rip comes out of nowhere. Gun pointed at you. "Let go of it." He said. You were fast enough. You sped and caught it in your hand. At the same time Rip fires. You felt the burning sensation in your arm. You fell on the ground. Malcolm stared at you. His hands clenched. He looked at Rip with hatred. "You son for a Bitch." He said. He carried you. Rip shot again but Malcolm got the amulet and ran. "Ok I got the amulet. But (Y/N) is injured." He said panicked into the comms. Eobard sped towards them and sped them off. He put you in the med bay. "I think she's ok." He said. Malcolm nodded. Damien was sitting in the corner. You opened your eyes and look at Eobard. "Sup Bro. Guess I wasn't fast enough." You said smirking. Eobard rolled his eyes. Malcolm sighed. Eobard left with the amulet in his hand. Damien following. Malcolm stared at you. You look back at him. He leans down and kisses you softly. You cup his cheek. Your lips slowly moving against his. He smirked. You sat up and turned to him. You decide to take matters into your hands. You sped and chained him to the chair in your room. He couldn't move. He stared at you. His blue eyes filling with lust. You slowly straddle his lap. He groans. You move your hips slowly. He bit his lip. You smile and got of him. Sure enough he was forming a boner. You unzip his pants. Slowly taking them off. He struggled against the cuffs. His boner was hard already. His briefs were tight against his member. You look up at him. He stared at you. Taking in your every move. You slipped his boxers off. You kissed him. He roughly kissed back. Skipping his tongue in. His member Throbbing for attention. You take your shirt and pants off. He moans. He moves his hips. He needed friction. You see his member twitching slowly. You stroke him. He closes his eyes tightly. "Fuck." You smirk and stroke him faster. His breathing got faster. He started thrusting into your hand. Hard. He moved up and down. His knuckles where white against the cuffs. He wanted to tough you. Kiss you. Thrust the hell into you. You took the rest of your clothing off. He moaned loudly. He licked his lips. You teasingly let go of his member. He pouted and groaned. You slowly lined the hips to his member. He tried thrusting into your entrance to quicken the pace. You chuckle Darkly making him groan. Sweat coming down his face. You then sat on him. He moaned. "Holy shit. Your fucking tight." Was all he said. He thrusted into you. Moving his hips faster. He needed You now. He thrusted harder into you. You uncuffed him. He took his shirt off and pushed you against the bed still thrusting inside of you. He kissed your lips roughly. His tongue fighting with yours. You won and he moaned. He kissed down your neck. You kissed his lips once again. His thrust began to slowed its pace and get sloppy. Then he came inside you. You doing he same. He fell next to you and kissed your head. "I fucking love you." He said. You chucked. "I love you too, Merlyn."

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