Leoanrd Snart Imagine

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Imagine playing Hide and Seek with Leonard and the Legends.
"I'm so Bored!!" Sarah said as the rest of the Legends were sitting in their seat. "I can't believe I'm saying this but where the hell is Eobard. I NEED SOME ACTION!" Nate yelled. Ray nodded with his friend in agreement. Rip was sitting in his chair flustered. You were next to him. "Why can't we just travel somewhere?!?" You said. The whole team groaned. "Yeah no more of that for a day."
You said. Then you stood up having an idea. You smirked. "How about we play a game?" You said smiling. Sarah, you and Kendra exchanged menacingly looks. Rip looks ur at you. "And witch game would that be, love?" He said. "Hide and Seek." You said. Sarah and Kendra stood up. Mick and Leonard sighed. "Why Not. Nothing else better to do!" Mick aid. Leonard nodded. Ray and  Nate nodded. "Ok so the players are me, Rip, Mick , Leonard, Ray, Kendra, Amaya ,Nate, and Jax." You said. Everyone looked at Martin. " your not playing?" Jax said. "Nope I'm too old for this stuff." He said. Everyone rolled their eyes.  "Ok who's it?" You said. Everyone shouted "Not It!" Except you. "Oh come on!" You yelled. You turned around and closed your eyes. You could here a couple people whisper as you count to 20. "I got the perfect spot!" Nate said. "Shut the hell up Nate!" Sarah said as she vanished. "18-19- and 20. Ready or not here I come!" You yelled. Martin was sitting down. You looked at him. He sighed. "Ok I'll tell you. Ray is in the med bay." Martin said. You smirked. You headed towards the med bay. You saw nothing. Weird. You looked everywhere. Every seat everything. You were about to leave when you stopped midtracks." Ray you cheating Son of a Bitch." You muttered. You looked back at the med bay seat to see a tiny blue and red dot. You looked at it closer to see Ray. He groaned in annoyance. "That's not fair!?" He yelled but it came out as a whisper. He grew big and shrugged. "See you. I'll be in the main bay mourning  over my loss." He said. You giggled and continued walking. The first room you walked into was Rips office. It was filled with papers and stuff. You were about to loose hope. "Gideon." You said getting an idea. "Yes Ms.(L/N)." She replied. You smirk. "Can you tell me where the legends are?" You asked. Gideon stayed quiet for a while before replying "Captain Hunter told me not to. He said to tell you where Jax or Snart was." She said. You smirked. "Jax will do fine l, Gideon!" You said. "He is hiding in the engine room." She said. You snickered and made your way to the engine room. You looked around seeing nothing. Then you heard someone breath. You looked up to see Jax on the roof. "Really!?" You said. He groaned and jumped down. "Please tell me I was not the first one you found!" He said pleadingly. "Ray is. You were the second." You said he smiled a bit before going to the main bay. You went straight to Leonard's room. You smirk as you look through his drawer. Your boyfriend was a good hider but you knew how to find him. You saw his cold gun lying on the ground. His room was neat for a kleptomaniac. You looked around seeing nothing. "Now if I was Leonard Snart where would I hide?" You questioned yourself. You went into your room. You looked everywhere. Then you looked down. On the ground was a tip of someone's leg sticking out of under your bed.  You smirked. You grabbed the leg quickly and dragged out a pouting Snart. You smirked. Then you felt his cold but plump lips against yours. He pushed you against the wall kissing you gently as he ducked your neck. You moaned. "Leonard I can tI have to find the others." You said. Leonard knew how competitive you were. "Later?" He said. You nodded as he smirked. "I'll be waiting." He said. You smirked. "Ok Mick, Rip, Sarah, Kendra,Nate, and Amaya are left. I bet Nate and Amaya are in their room making out so just Kendra Rip Sarah and Mick." You said as you walked towards Sarah's room. You looked inside. You heard giggles coming from the closet. You opened it to see Kendra And Sarah. "HA FOUND YOU!" You yelled. They glared but nodded. Rip and Mick. "Damn I feel dumb that I haven't found Mick yet." You muttered. Then you smirked. "The only way for find Rip. Plan B." You said. "Sorry Rip I had to do this." You said competitively. "The Legends are AssHoles!" You yelled. Rip appeared out of his hiding behind place angrily. "Well their my AssHoles!" He yelled. He glared at you then realized what you did. "Oh Bloody Hell!" He said. You made your way back to the room. "Wait you didn't get Mick?" Sarah said. You shook your head. "Ok Gideon where's Mick." You said. Gideon then said "Behind You." You looked behind you to see Mick smirking. "Ha. I won Bitches!" He yelled. "Where were you hiding!" Everyone yelled. Mick smirked. "I didnt." He said. You looked at him confusingly. "Well I did but I'm a hidden room I guess." He said eating a sandwich. "Spit it out Mick!" Leonard yelled. He pointed downward where the vents were located. "No you did not fit your large ass down their." You said. Mick once again grunted with a smile playing on his lips. Leonard wrapped his arms around your waist. "How about that favor?" He said. "Wait until Mick tells me where he was!"
You yelled. Leonard sighed and rolled his eyes.  Mick sighed and said truthfully "I hid in A hidden place ok!" He said. You rolled your eyes. He growled and walked away. "Gideon tell us if Mr.Rory is telling us the truth." Rip said. "He is In fact. Mr.Rory fell upon a hidden room and stayed their while drinking and eating." She said. Leonard then grabbed you and led you to his room. He led  you around and your lips collided with his. He smiled against he kiss "I love you." You said. He didn't reply. Then he said l"I love you Too."

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