20: Babies!

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Rip Hunter:
You have quadruplets.
First Son: Leo Jonas Hunter
First Daughter: Sarah Miranda Hinter
Second Son: Michael Arthur Hunter
(Mick for short)
Second Daughter: Kendra Maya Hunter

Mick Rory:
Twins. You had two boys.
First Son: Barry Dominic Rory
Second Son: Leonard Rip Rory

Ray Palmer:
You have One girl and One boy. They are not twins.
Eldest Daughter: Emma Amaya Palmer
First Son: Brandon Han Palmer

Leonard Snart:
One Boy
First Boy: Wentworth Michael Snart

One girl
Samantha Lily Jackson

Sarah Lance:
You adopted a Boy and a Girl
First Girl: Laurel Caity Lance
First Boy: Oliver Ray Lance

Eobard Thawne:
You have triplets. Three boys
First Boy: Eobard Matthew Thawne
Second Boy: Damian Merlyn Thawne
Third Boy: Bruce Hal Thawne

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