Ray Palmer/Leonard Snart Imagine

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Imagine Ray and you dating but he cheated on you with Kendra. Sorry for having to make Ray the bad guy. It's so hard to make this guy mean
"I can't believe you!" You yelled at Ray. Ray was looking at the ground as you yelled at him. You just caught him and Kendra having a heated make out session. In your room. "I trusted you Ray!" You yelled as tears came down your cheeks. Ray looked up and frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" You cut him off. "Oh really. Do you didn't mean to Make out in my room with Kendra!" You yelled. He looked back at you. Red in the face. "I wouldn't have done it if you have been showing me attention!" He yelled back. "Oh shut up Ray!" You yell. He takes a step towards you. That good boy is gone now. "WELL YOU HAVE BEEN HANGING OUT WITH LEONARD AND MICK SO MUCH! HOW DO I KNOW YOIR NOT cheating ON ME!" He yelled back. You looked up at him disgusted. "The fact that your trying to put the blame on me is BULLSHIT RAY!" You tell. He rolls his eyes angrily at you. Then he takes off his ring and tosses it on the ground next to yours. "We are through!" Ray yelled. You glared at him as he left your room. You had tears on your face. He just threw the ring as if it was nothing. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR UGLY ASS FACE AGIAN!" You yelled back. The truth is he had a beautiful face. But he was being rude. You sat in your bed crying your eyes out. What you don't know is that the Legends heard the whole thing. They were in the main bay and they could hear your and Ray screams. "Dear Lord." Rip said. Mick and Leonard gave pissed looking faces. "That mother -" Leonard said. "Boy Scout, is being an Ass." Mick said angrily. Sarah looked at them then at Rip. "I can't believe Ray even tried to blame things on (Y/N)!" She said in disbelief. Rip nodded. Ray entered the room anger in his eyes. "Hey guys I- " He was cut off by Mick punching him. "What the hell Mick!" Ray said. "How about you go cry to your new girlfriend Kendra!" Leonard sasses. Ray glared at them. "How about you two dumbasses mind your own business." Rays said. Rips and Nate's eyes widen. Ray never talked like that to no one. Ray didn't mean them but he was too pissed to care. Mick and Leonard charged at him. "After this your going to look worse than you did in that Prison in Russia!" Mick yelled. Sarah grabbed Mick away. Rip grabbing Leonard. Nate grabbed Ray. "Mick and Leonard stop. Ray that was pretty fucked up what you did to (Y/N)!" Sarah yelled. Ray looked at her. "I can't believe you did that. I am going to whoop Kendra's ass in training today." She said angrily. Mick and Leonard still glaring at Ray's as he walked to his room. Mick and Leonard walked into your room. "You ok?" By both said softly. You looked up and shook your head. Mick hugged you as Leonard put you on his lap. "What am I going to do?" You cried. Mick looked at you. "We could kill Ray for you!?!" He said excitedly. You smiled. Mick knew how to make you smile. You looked at Leonard and hugged him. "You deserve better." He said to you. You cried into his shoulder as Mick hugged you. You kisssed Leonard on the cheek and Mick on the head. "Thanks guys." You said. They nodded. "Anything for our baby sister." You smiled. "You know we aren't even biologically related." You said. They both sighed. "To us you are." Mick said smiling.
The Next Day
You stayed in your room. You didn't want to see Ray after what he did to you. Mick would deliver you food and water. While Leonard would talk to you and stay with you. You were chatting with him when you collided his lips with your. He froze but melted into it. You pulled back. "I'm sorry I did t mean to-" Leonard looks at you reassuringly. "It's fineI know what your going through." The. You pushed Leonard against the wall. You thought your emotions were acting up on you. Then you felt a spark. "Are you ok?" Leonard said. You knew Leonard wouldn't love you in that way. After all he thought of you as his baby sister. "Sorry I guess I just thought I could you know?" Leonard nodded. "Leonard you said you thought of Me as your baby sister." You said. Leonard shook his head. "No Mick does. I don't. I like you." He said you smashed your lips against his. He wrapped his arms around your waist. He pulled back and smiled. You looked up at him. "I promise I will take better care of you then Palmer." He said. You nodded and rested against his chest. Mick quickly learned about you and Leonard. He didn't care as long as Leonard would never hurt you.  Mick  thought of you as his only family left. He cared about you. In a family matter. You got out of your room with Leonard. Your hands intertwined. Ray was talking to Sarah. Sarah was glaring at him. Ray ignoring her. "Well you finally came out." Rip said happily. He hugged you. He looked at Leonard and said "Please don't hurt her." Leonard nodded. Mick smirked as Ray noticed. "So you were cheating on me With Leonard." He said. Sarah slapped him. Ray glared at her. "No actually I wasn't." You said. Ray rolled his eyes. "So why you forget about me and go with the criminal!" He yelled. Rip and Sarah both glared at Ray. Nate also glared at Ray. "Ray come off it." Nate said. Ray looked at him in disbelief. "So your siding with her!" He said. Amaya and Nate rolled their eyes. Mick stood up a bit tensed. "Well a criminal is better than a cheating ass Ex." You said. Leonard smirked. Rip and Sarah looked at Ray. Amaya and Nate said "ROASTED!" Ray glared at them. "I only cheated because Kendra told me too." He said. Sarah looked at you. "Actually I talked to Kendra. And she said she didn't know you and Ray were together." She said. Ray turned red as you looked at him. Leonard held you close. Mick glared at Ray. Clenching his fists. "You Son Of A Bitch." Rip said. Ray glared at Rip. " Fuck you too Captain!" He yelled. This shocked you. Ray never cursed in this way. Mick then smashed his beer against Rays head making him pass out. You and Nate look at each other. "That's not Ray!" You both said. The team looked at you both confused. "Well that looks like Boy Scout to me!" Mick said. "Well bro this was not Ray. Ray would never say the f word because he thought it sounded mean.  Even when we used to be together and we got in tough fights he would never curse like that. He would just say shit." You said. Nate nodded in agreement. "Finally you guys figure it out!" Rays aid in the door way. You ran to him and hugged him. Leonard tensed. "Sorry guys but this guy said until you found out he would release me." Ray said. Ray looked at Leonard. "I didn't make out with Kendra. I kissed her." He says. You pause and nod. "Be with Leonard."
He said. You nodded and went and kissed Leonard. "Nice to have you back buddy!" Nate said to him. Ray hugged him. You smiled at Leonard as he hugged you. Mick smirked at the sight. His baby sister and Leonard. A sight he never thought he see. Something he was finally happy about.

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