Mick Rory Imagine

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Imagine you trying to help him after he becomes Chronos.
You were battling Chronos. After what happened to Mick you have been a bit distant with Leonard. But you knew their was no other way. They should have never killed them though. You still talked to Leonard. You two were Best friends. The one day you and Leonard were captured by Chronos. You glared at the back of the Boba Fett look alike's suit. "What do you want with us?" You yelled. But Chronos ignored you. Leonard sighed and said"why didn't you get Rip instead of us. I mean he is the captain isn't he." Chronos finally turned around. "You should have figured it out about now." He said. He takes his helmet off to travels the love of your life. Mick. "After all. I am suppose to be the dumb one." You see Leonard speechless. You look at Mick in the eyes. You knew your Micm was in their somewhere. "Mick your alive!" You said smiling a bit. He glared at you. A look as if he didn't give a damn about you. "Mick, what happened to you." You said softly. Mick turned to Leonard. "When this Asshole *points at Leonard* left me stranded in a random time. The time masters came. They helped me open my eyes." You gave Leonard a WTF look. He shrugged. "I love you Mick." You said. He flinched. You could see a flash of reality in his eyes. But then it faded away. "I d-don't L-Love You." He said cringing a bit.  You could tell he didn't want to say it. His voice was hesitant when he said it. Then Mick brought up a picture of Lisa. Leonard's Sister."The great thing about time travel. Is that I get to kill your sister In front of you. Again. Again. And again." He said darkly. This time it was your turn to glare at Mick. "What the Hell are you doing Mick?" You yelled. He walks pass you.  "Mick I know your in their!" You yell. You look at Leonard who is already trying to get to his gun. Then you remembered. You have fucking speed. You felt stupid for not phasing out of your cuffs earlier. You smirk at Leonard who is trying to get himself out. You cut his cuffs with your speed. He smiles and grabs his gun. You see Firestorm about to kill Chronos. "DONT DO IT!" You yelled. Rip gives you a WtF look. "What don't kill Chronos?" Leonard speaks. "Show them." Mick refuses to take off his helmet. You nod and Firestorm takes the helmet off to reveal a more than pissed off Mick. Everyone gasps in surprise.  "Oh My God." Rip says. Mick looks at him. "There is no God." He tries to get his gun but is struck unconscious by Sarah. You look at your hands as the team talk. You snuck out and went into where he was held. "Oh it's just you." He said sarcastically. "Mick I came here to talk." Mick glared at you. "Mick this isn't you." You said. Mick flipped you off which you rolled your eyes at. You open the cell. You walk in. He stands up and gives you a really look. "What are you doing?" He growls. He throws you against the wall. Holding your throat. Then his gaze softens. He took his hand away. He looked at his hand in fear. "I'm sorry." He muttered. You hugged him which he froze at. Then hugged back. You missed Mick. Then you flicked a lighter on. He looked at the lighter. His eyes memorized of the rhythm of the flame. You love how Mick looked at the flame. It made you feel at home. "See you later, Mick." He looks up at you. "Yeah."  He says.

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