Nathaniel Heywood Imagine

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Imagine Nate frantically looking around The was rider for your son. Then finds him with an unlikely friend.....

"Oh god. Henry Jr!" Nate yells. He looks around.

"I can't believe it. I lost my son. Y/N's going to kill me." He growled. He searched the Waverider. He searched in Rays room.

"Ray have you seen a tiny boy? By any chance." He asked frantically.  Ray shook his head and tampered with his suit.

"Shit." Nate said. He looked around his and your room.

"Who you looking for?"

"Ahhhh! Y/N." He said chuckling nervously. You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Nobody. Just playing hide and seek with Henry." He said nodding. You giggle at him.

"Anyway I should get back to doing that." He said, biting his lips. You nod and walk towards Rips office.

"Yeah!" Nate turned towards the noise.

"Henry." He said looking around. 

"Yay!" The tiny voice came again. Nathaniel gulped and headed towards Sara's room.

"Please don't be naked. Please don't be naked. Please don't be naked." He begged. He opened the door to see Sara watching TV.

"What you want?" She asked annoyed.

"Nothing." He said and closed the door.

"Yay." Nate looked in the direction of a room. He gulped as he walked to the door. His hand on the handle, his body shaking with fear.

"Mick have you seen-,"


"Have you seen Henry?" He asked, giving Mick a look. Mick shook his head. Giggling was heard from the other side of Micks room.

"Get out of my room, pretty." Mick growled.

"Yeah, pretty." Henry said frowning. He smiled and giggled. Nate picked his son up and kissed his forehead.

"I've been looking all over for you. Let's get back before mommy notices." Nate said. 

"Too late for that." Mick grunted. Nate cocked his head to the side. Then a faint cough was heard behind him.

"Y/N." He said. Nate turned and looked at you. He licked his lips.

"I found Henry." He said smiling. You rolled your eyes and kissed Nate's cheek.

"Thanks for taking care of him Mick." You said. Nate narrowed his eyes at you.

"Wait. You knew."

"Of course I knew." You said laughing. Nate chuckled.

"How dare you."

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