Malcolm Merlyn Imagine

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Imagine falling for Malcolm when you were on the Legends.
You didn't know how it happened. One minute you were on the WaveRider ready to fight the Legion of Doom and the Next you get captured. A man walked in. Black hair with blue eyes. He was quite tall and was attractive. You knew the mans name. Malcolm Merlyn. The man that you were fighting against. The man you soon fell for. "So, your friends should be here in a couple minutes. So let's make this quick. Where's the rest of the spear." He says getting close to you. You were face to face. Lips almost touching. You shivered and said "Im not going to tell you anything." You said glaring at him. He looked at you. His blue eyes making you melt. How badly you wanted to kiss him  and rip his shirt off. You wanted to feel his biceps and abs. You wanted to kiss every inch of his body. Claim him yours. But you were a hero. You couldn't. He took his suit jacket off. His tight white shirt against his biceps. You stare at him. He chuckles. "See anything you like?" He says teasingly. You roll your eyes. "Anyway how about telling me about the spear." He says holding a knife up to your throat. His lips inches from yours. Shit. Your breathing got faster. Fuck It! You pushed your lips into his. He was surprised at first but then kissed back his tongue slipped through your lips. He touched every part of your mouth with his tongue. He then got up and licked his lips. "So that's how you want to play." He said his eyes full of lust. He took his shirt of showing his abs.  He flexed his biceps. You breath a bit faster trying to get out of the chair you were tied in. He zips his pants off. You tense. Shit what have you got yourself into. He cut you out of the chair and immediately pushed you against the wall.  You kiss him roughly as he slips his tongue once again in your mouth. You take your shirt off. He groans and pushes you  closer to him. He grips your legs. He put them around his waist. He was giving you bruising kisses on your neck. You moan and kiss him on the lips. He takes his pants off. His boxers tight. You put your hands through his hair as he kisses you on the neck. "Merlyn, The Legends are Here!" Damian yelled through the comm. Malcolm groaned in annoyance. "Yeah I'll be their." He said as he put his shirt back on. You both put your clothes on and stare at each other. You give each other one last kiss before the Legends run in. Weapons and fists pointed at Malcolm. Malcolm held the knife against your throat. "One more step closer and she dies. I will give you her but you leave me alive." He says. He then whispers in your ear "See you Next Time." Then he ran away dodging every bullet and weapon thrown at him. You went back on the WaveRider glad to be back. You turned to see everyone looking at you weirdly and some were smirking. "He's the lucky man?" Rip said. You tilt your head in confusion. "The Hickeys." He said pointing to your neck. You tense. Fucking Merlyn. "These are cuts." You say. "Yeah Sure." Mick says. You go back into your room and look in the mirror. Sure enough hickeys surrounded your neck. Oh when you saw Malcolm again he was going to pay.

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