Mick Rory Imagine

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Imagine Meeting Mick Rory for the First time and Not knowing he was Heatwave
You work at a bar. You were the best employee their. You knew every alcoholic drink recipe. You were quite fond of your job.  Or as much as one customer though. A man who was muscular and tall always came in with his equally hot partner. He would order the same thing. A beer. As girls would flirt with him. He would ignore them and just stare at you the whole time. His partner Leonard would smirk. One day he came alone. He walked up to the bar and smiled at you. "Beer!" He said. You smiled and handed him his beer. "Hello, Mr.Rory. Haven't seen you here in a while." You said smirking. He rolled his eyes playfully. "What's your name?" He questioned. You said "(Y/N), Why." You said. He looked back at you. Those blue eyes making you melt. He looked at your lips for a split second before the cops came in. Mick looked at you. You nodded. "Back door." You said. He smirked at you.  Then one of the cops came up to you. "Excuse me Ma'am But have you seen this man. His name is Mick Rory. He goes by Heatwave though." You shook your head. "Never seen him before." You did. The cop nodded then looked at his partner. They left the bar and you kept making drinks for customers. You never knew Mick Rory was Heatwave. You just let a Criminal escape. A hot Criminal. You bit your lip. And shrugged. "Ok Jess, my shift is over!" You said you your boss. "Ok you can go see you tomorrow, (Y/N)." He said. You walk home because it isn't far away. Your brother Barry would usually pick you up but he had work. You go into an alley and use start using your speed. You start climbing buildings. Then you started walking again. Then someone grabs your shoulder. You gasp but he holds you down. You turn around to see Mick. "The Hell were you thinking?!?" You said to him. He smirks at you. "Why so Smug jackass?!" You says. He rolls his eyes then places his lips against yours. The kiss was a gentle and soft kiss. You put your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. You two then pull away. "See you Late, Babe." Mick says winking at you. You kiss his cheek. "Whatever Criminal." You say. He smiles and leaves. You start to continue to walk home with a huge grin on your face. Barry opens the door. "Where were you?" He says. You look at him. "Bar problems." You said as you hugged him. He hugged you back. "Well Little Sis. I heard Heatwave was at the Bar. Are you ok?" SHe said worriedly. You smiled at him. "Never been better." You say smiling because the tough and furious Heatwave. Just kissed you on the lips and You enjoyed it.

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