Mick Rory Imagine

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Imagine going into a deep coma
"RIP!" Mick growled. Rip ran to see you in Micks arms passed out. "The hell happened?!?" He said. Mick shoo k his head and placed you in the med bay. "I don't know. She was playing with the twins then she passes out?!" Mcim said worriedly. Rip nods and tells Gideon to help you. "Captain it seems Miss Rory has gone into a deep Coma." She replies. Mick and Rip look at each other. "How?" Rip says. "Causes are most likely from a pill from 21st century technology." She says. Mick growls and says "Thawne!" Rip nods. Mick goes into the room with his 14 year old twins. They look at him worried. "Ok what happened!" Mick said angrily. Barry Junior looked at his father as Leo shrugged. "We were racing outside then. We see a blur and she passes out!" Leo said frightened. Mick nods and tells the boys. "She's in a coma." The boys freeze. Leo asked" Dad is she going to wake up?" Mick refused to answer that question. He just walked away. The boys look at each other sadly. Mick goes up to Rip who is assisted with Ray. "So?!" Mick says. Rip gives him a sad look. "Well we don't know. She might wake up. But then again she might not." Mick glared at Rip. He looked at Ray. "Ray you can fix her right?!" Mick said. Ray shook his head. Mick went back into his room. Your room. He drank as tears came down his eyes. "Mick are you ok?" Mick looked to
See Leonard at the door. Mick wiped his tears away and nodded. Leonard just stared for a bit then left. Mick looked down. Then he saw a blur of red. "Ha!" Mick looked up to see Eobard in front of him. Mick stood up and glared at him. Clenching his fists. "You son of a Bitch!" Mick yelled. Eobard smirked. "Now now, Mick. Unless you want your kids to become orphans I suggest you sit down." Eobard threatened. Mick sat back down but glared at Eobard intensely. Thawne walked up to him. "You are so stupid. You couldn't even save your wife from a pill. You couldn't even save your family from a burning house." Thawne said. Mick glared at him. In the inside Mick was hurt. "Well it seems that you have a thing with not being able to save people. You just have to save yourself. What's next. your twins?!?" With that Eobard raced away. Leaving Mick red in the face and drinking his beer. He had tears in his eyes once again. He went into the med bay to see Rip and Ray working furiously. Leonard and the other Legends looking at you hoping you would be alive. They all looked to see Mick. They felt guilty. They felt heartbroken for him. Mick looked down. As he walked into the med bay Ray and Rip looked at each other. "Sorry Mick we can't wake her up. We will just have to wait till it happens." Ray said. Mock looked down. Your twins were beside your crying. Barry Junior ran to his father. Mick froze but soon hugged him. Leo did the same.
3 months later
Mick was staring at the wall. It's been three months and you haven't woke up yet. Mick knew all hope was lost. His sons were more vicious than ever. Barry Junior burned every villain in his path as Leo often bit them harder. Except not killing them. Mick killed people. Hoping to make him feel better. But it just made him worse. "Oh How The Mighty Have Fallen!" Mcim choked on his beer and turned to the door way. You stood their smirking at him. "No i must be losing my mind." Mick said. You walked up to him. "Mick I'm here to tell you where I am." You said. Mick looked at you. Tears already coming down his eyes. "Mick I have no time. Tell Rip to see what I'm thinking." And with that you vanished. Mick stared at where you once were. He ran to Rip and the other Legends. They all looked at him shocked. He was tore up. His jacket was off and his suspenders were messed up. He looked awful. And he hasn't been out of his room for a couple weeks. "Omg." Sarah said. "Guys I think I know where (Y/N) is!" He grunted. Everyone sighed. "She's in a coma Mick. And she always will be!" Rip yelled. Mick glared at him. "I saw her. She said to tell Rip to see what she was thinking?" He said questioningly. Everyone looked at Rip. Rip, Ray, and Nate went to where you were. You were still asleep. "Gideon what is Miss Rory thinking?" Rip said. Gideon said "Well it seems she is in another world. Apparently the pills set her asleep in this world. And her thoughts are in another world." Rip looked at the team. "What the hell does that mean?" Nate said. "It means that she won't awake unless you go into her thoughts. Or as I like to call it Dream world." Rays aid. Everyone was shocked. Mick smirked. Leo and Barry hugged each other. "Ok we need three people to go into her dream world. We will give you guys a object so you can see what we are seeing." Rip said. "Ok Mick is going." Rip said. Micm nodded and sat in a seat. Rip sat in the next seat. "Who else?" Rip Questioned. Leonard raised his hand. Rip nodded. They all
Sat in the seat as Ray put them in the dream world.
Rip and Mick woke up. Leonard was standing. They were on a street. "Where the hell are we?" He said. Rip looked at his watch. "We are in the year 2017. And we seem to be next to (Y/N)'s house well in her mind at least. Mick and Leonard look at each other. It was a nice house. It had a pool too. "Wait isn't this an apartment?" Leonard questioned. Rip nodded. "Well something like that. I believe they are called town homes." Rip,Mick, and Leonard walked towards the home. It was 12:00 am. "Ok when she gets out we will go inside." Rip says. "It's kind of late maybe we should stay somewhere?!" Leonard says. Rips and Mick nod. They make their way to the nearest hotel. The guy gave them their key. As they walked in they found three twin beds. "Ok here's the plan. Hopefully she will be going to the pool tomorrow around 10 am." Rip said. "How do you know? Mick asks. "Well that's what Gideon says." He says.
The Next Day
They wake up and hurriedly go to your house. They see you walk out in a bikini with your brother. Little brother. "Wait she doesn't have a brother does she." Leonard said. Rip then said " This is her dream world remember. And her brother is 12" Mick groaned as he saw you walk out. Leonard shot him a really look. Rip rolled his eyes. As you went to the public pool which was empty Rip, Leonard and Mick went to the door. Rip looked at the lock. "The hell
We supposed to do?" Mick smirked and grabbed a paper clip from his pocket. He unlocked he doors. As they got in they saw the beautiful dream house of yours. No wonder it was a dream house. It had two floors. One with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The bottom with a kitchen and living room. Rip and Mick went upstairs as Leonard was down stairs. Mick saw your Phone on your nightstand and went to it. Micm unlocked your passcode and checked everything. "What are D.C. legends of Tommorow?" Mick questioned. He was looking at your Netflix. "I don't know?" Rip
Said as he looked through your stuff. Mick opened the tv show. You and it paused. Mick played the video. "Who dares to defeat me! Vandal Savage ruler of the world! Leonard Snart Robber of ATMs" Mick paused it. He stood shocked. Rip looked at him. "Rip they made a show about us!" Mick said. Rip snatched the phone out of his hands. He looked at he video. Then he looked at your wallpaper. Leonard Snart. "What the hell?" He said. Rip and Mick went on your computer to find it more. They searched D.C. Legends of tomorrow. They instantly saw cast at the top of the list. They pressed on it. "The hell. We are played by actors?" He said. Mick shook his head. "In her world she must remember us but she thinks it's just from here. "Wentworth Miller plays Snart. Dominic Purcell plays you." He said. Mick grunted. "Wentworth Miller? Why have I heard that name before. Wait Wentworth miller as in the guy (Y/N) fancies!" Mick said. Rip nodded. Then they heard Leonard. "Guys we've got company." You we're coming back. "We have to make her remember now." He says. Mick looks at Rip. "We have to kill her." Rip says. Mick glared at him. "What!?!" Rip looks at him. "In order for her to wake up she has to die in this world." Mick looks at Rip. Then you go to your room to see Rip Hunter and Mick. "Holy Shit." You said. Leonard was beside them now. You stood shocked thinking they were actors in front of you. "I'm sorry." Mick said a bit red in the eyes. You gave him a what look. Then Mick pulled out his gun and aimed it at you. He couldn't do it. But he had to. You looked at him frightened. "Hey I don't want to cause any trouble!" You said scared. Mick felt tears coming out of his eyes. He pulled the trigger as the fire burned you. You fell to the floor dead. Rip and Leonard stood silent. "We have to go." Rip said. Nick nodded. They pressed their buttons and were awake. They saw you. Still asleep. "Why didn't it work?!?" Mick yelled. Rip looked at you. "No she should be awake!!" Your heart was beating slower. "No don't die!!" Mick said. Rip was trying to help you. The Legends left knowing that Mick wanted to be alone. "No don't die. I can lose you." He said. "I've lost too much." He said. You still stayed asleep. Your heart beating slower. Mick cried a bit. Trying not to cry. "Please." Then your heart stopped. Mick dropped his head. He looked at the ground. "No please." He whispered. Eobard then raced in laughing. "Ha see what I mean. You can't save anyone you love. If you loved them." He said testing Mick's limits. Mick had tears down his eyes but glared at Thawne. Rip also did. Thawne smiled as he saw your dead body. "One down 9 more to go." He said. He then raced away. Mick leaned on you as your skin turned cold. "Please don't leave me. I love you." He said as he let himself cry.

Then he heard something. Something he thought he would be able to hear. Your heart. Thumping against your chest. Trying to fight the limits. He looked up at you. He smiled. "That's my girl." He said. Rip smiled and left. You then woke up. You looked at Mick. His face was all red from crying. You kissed him. "I love you." He said you smiled back. "I love you too." You smashed your lips into Micks. He smirked and slipped his tongue into your mouth. You kissed him passionately and smiled.Leonard was peeking through the door and smiled. as he gave the other Legends a thumbs up. They all cheered.

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