Leonard Snart Imagine

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Imagine having a Nerf Gun war.
"Ok battle stations ready." You said into the fake walkie talkie. You heard Ray reply. "Everything is set. Over." You smirked at Leonard. Ok you guys were having a Nerf Gun war. Apparently, Gideon can fabricate Nerf Guns. You guys were separated into two teams. Team One, which you named Team Win had: Ray, You, Leonard, Sarah, and Nate. The Second Team named Team Fuck Yeah! Was Mick, Amaya, Jax, Kendra, and Rip. Nick got himself a Nerf shot gun, Machine gun, Pistol, and other things. The best thing was that you guys were stocked up on bullets and guns. You all had wallow talkies. Your color wallow talkies were blue. The other team was red. Team captains were you and Mick. Right now their was a wall made out of Pillows and other materials separating you guys from the other guys. Right now you were using your Nerf Sniper to logins targets. Then you saw one. Jax. He had his back facing the wall. His head was showing. You pulled the trigger as the bullet hit him in the head. "Dammit!" He yelled and walked to the corner. Rip and Kendra were working on rooms for their fort. Your team Nate, Leonard, and Ray were working on rooms. Then you saw Mick shoot. His bullet missed you barely and by Sarah. "I thought you were an assassin?!?" Micm said chuckling. Sarah glared at him. You smirked and said "I thought you were a bird." And with that shot Kendra. Mick glared at you. ThenRip took his gun out quickly and shot Nate. "Nooo!" You yelled. "My Best Player!!" You yelled. Ray and Leonard looked at you offended. "Hey!" They said. You kissed Leonard reassuringly. He smiled. The fort was a bit tall. You could see the other teams rooms. All you could see was a wall. But then your heard groans. Rip was working on his side. You got on your knees. Yup that's how big the fort was. You took your Nerf Gun out. You pointed it at Rip. "Ha one down. Two to go Bitches." You said. Rip glared at you and left. Then Amaya Shot Ray down. "Ohh. Couple vs couple!" Sarah said. Leonard grabbed a gun. You built mini windows to see the other person. A couple minutes passed. Mick was probably still planning something with Amaya. Then you heard another groan. You look at Leonard when had his Nerf Shot gun ready. "Where are they?" You whisper. You had a camera. You secretly attached it to Mick's teams fort. You turned it on. "Lenny come here." You whisper to him. He crawls towards you. He kisses your head then looks at the camera. You saw Rips room. It had a bunch of guns in it. You attached your camera to a remote control car. You moved the car. "Shit." Someone said. It was coming from Mick's room. You controlled the car into their room. Your eyes widen as Leonard smirked. Mick was on top of Amaya. They were having some heated time. "So that's what's they were doing this whole time." Leonard said. You smirked and kissed him. He kissed back gently. "Babe if we want to win  we should ambush them." Leonard said. You kissed his cheek. "Good idea." You and Leonard got your guns out. You ran into Mick's fort room. You immediately felt a bullet on your chest. "Shit!" you yelled. Mick smirked as he pulled his pants up. "Really thought you could trick me." Then Leonard can out of no where. "Put the Nerf Gun down Mick." He said. Mick smirked. The teammates that were out were now eating popcorn. Ready to know what happens next. You sat down on the floor behind Lenny to make it feel realistic. Leonard's Nerf guns as aimed at Amaya. Mick glared at him as if it felt real.  Then Leonard looked at Mick. "Sorry Mick. I knew you loved her to pieces." He said as the Nerf Gun went off and shot The gun. "Nooo!" Mick yelled. The bullet shot Mick as he jumped in front of Amaya. "Holy Shit!" Nate said to Ray. "Language!" Ray said. Nate rolled his eyes.  Mick stood on the ground. Your eyes widen. "Who knew Mick would risk his life for a woman?" Sarah said smirking. Leonard turned and smiled at you. Then Amaya shot him. His smile turned into a frown. "Dammit. I was so sure we were going to win!" Ray said. Amaya knelt down next to Mick. Their lips met. They kissed. You started clapping. "Sorry Nate but this is my new OTP!" You yelled. Nate rolled his eyes at you. You looked at the TV. "Guys it's almost New Years!" You yelled. Everyone looked at the TV. "5-4-3-2-1!" Every be yelled as they kissed each other. You and Leonard. Mick and Amaya. Sarah and Rip. Ray and Nate. Kendra and Jax. Everyone just kept kissing until they all went into their rooms. You pushed Leonard against the wall. He kissed down your neck. "Babe you look gorgeous." He said with his husky voice. You groaned. "Shut up." You said as you planted your lips against his again. Then He said "There are no Strings on me."

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