Rip Hunter Imagine

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You return from the grave
Rip was in his office. His eyes red and puffy from crying so much. Just wearing a t shirt with sweats on. He has never been the same without you. He has lost to much. Mick of course was sad too. "Please come back to me." He whispers while holding your bracelet. It read "I Love you- Rip." Rip could feel more tears start forming in his eyes. Then their was a jolt. He fell face down on the ground. "What was that?" Sarah exclaimed. Rip quickly got up and wiped the tears in his eyes. "Don't know." He said his voice cracking. "Gideon what happened.?" He asked. "It appears a time pirate had hit our ship, captain." Rip flinched at that reply. He quickly put his jacket on and grabbed his gun. He sat in his seat when the WaveRider stopped. Everyone confused at what happened. "Why did we stop?" Leonard coldly said. Rip looked out to see the Time Pirate's ship has stopped them. "The time pirates have captured us." Rip said. As Ray And Sarah got ready to fight. Mick was staring at the ground. Ray had his Atom suit on and Sarah with her suit on. As the doors opened to their ship they immediately attacked. But her paralyzed by a weapon the time pirateso had. "Ha, new this would come in handy." A southern accent said coming from one of the Time pirates. Rip, Mick, and Jax were taken. Leonard hid and quickly took Sarah. Ray was with Kendra on the ship hiding as well. Leonard was thrown first in the cell. "Son of a -" he was caught of by a woman with black hair. "Were you three here to rescue us." She said in a sassy tone. Rip and Jax nodded through pain Mick simply nodded. Then Jax said "Us?" The woman then pointed to a woman in the corner. Rip's eyes widened. He knew that hair. That face. That scent. "(Y/N?)?!?" He exclaimed making you look up. You had a bruised lip. Rip eyes had tears once again. He hugged you as you hugged back. Mick got up and looked at you. You hugged him. Causing your brother Mick to hug back. You missed them both. "Rip, Brother." You said smiling said them. Rip kissed you causing Mick to glare at him. "How are you alive. I saw Savage kill you." You shook your head. "He faked it. He only did that so you would lose hope. He gave me to the time pirates instead. " you said. Rip hugged you and said "I miss you so much." You rubbing circles in his back said "I missed you too."

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