Rip Hunter Imagine

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Imagine The team trying to get you and Rip to admit you two were together
"They are totally Screwing!" Sarah said to Kendra as you walked in the room. You made your way towards them. "Sup guys!" You say. They smirk and walk away. "Ok that's weird." You say. You go back into your room not knowing a secret conversation was going on. "Guys I think (Y/N) and Rip are screwing." Sarah said. "Well isn't it obvious!" Ray said. "They won't admit it though." Mick said. Everyone gave him a shock look. "What I pay attention." He said. "Yeah because you like her." Leonard said quietly so only the team can hear. Mick growled in response. "Ok whoever gets them to admit they are together gets $40 from everyone here." Nate said. Amaya and the rest of the girls smirked as the boys nodded. "Ok Amaya you go first." Amaya nods. As the team get out of the main room they see You walking towards them. "Hey guys, what were you doing?" You say. The team says nothing. "Nothing for you to worry about Hot stuff." Says Mick winking at you which makes you walk away. The team thank him for distracting you. "Ok here goes nothing." Amaya says. The girls give her a thumbs up as the boys to the three finger honor from the hunger games. "Sup, (Y/N)." Amaya said to you. "Sup Amaya." You say back. "So I was bored and was thinking. Since all of us have you know kind of crushes and boyfriends. I was wondering if you had one." She said. You looked at her. " Mick and Leonard don't have anyone. Because Sarah told me earlier today that she had a crush on nobody." Amaya nodded knowing Sarah lied. "Well." Amya said trying. To think of a lie. "Um Mick and Leonard are together." She said quickly. Man they are going to kill her for saying that. " Really. I didn't now they were Gay. Wow cool." You say. Amaya nods. "Yeah how about you." She said. "Nah no one ." You said. Amaya nodded and left. As the team awaited her she was puzzled. "Nope she is just to stubborn." The rest of the team nods. "Ok Ray your next." Sarah says. Ray smiles and walks towards you. "So I was wondering." Ray said. You look at him. "Yeah?" You say. "If you could screw any male person in this ship who would it be?" He said. You thought for a while. "I would screw Leonard. Or Mick. But since their gay I can't" Ray choked a bit. "What?" You looked at him. " Yeah Amaya said they were gay." Ray nods holding back all his laughter. "Oh yeah that." He then walks away. The team looks at him. He shakes his head in disappointment. "Ok Sarah your turn." Ray said. Sarah nodded. "Ok I will be doing it in a hour." She said smirking. They all nodded.
1 hour later
The team was in Rays room. They left Rip alone with You in the main room. Sarah was going to hopefully catch you two in the act. "Ha. I CAUGHT you GUYS SCR-Ewing!?!" She said as she saw you and Rip working on the ship. "Oh hey Sarah. You waved. "We were just fixing the ship." Rip says. Slightly concerned. Sarah goes back to Rays room. She looks at the team and shakes her head. "Ok Leonard it's your turn." Leonard smirks as he walks out the room. Once Rip was in his office Leonard stepped in. "Well Captain I was wondering. Have you got any crushes." Snart says coldly. Rip looks up. "No, Why would I have any?" He replies. Leonard sighs in defeat and was about to leave when Rip said. "Congratulations on You and Mister Rory" Leonard stops in his tracks. "What?" He says. "Oh (Y/N) told me that Amaya said you two were dating." Leonard's face turns red. "We are not- he paused. Should he just tell him after or not. They will for sure know something's up. Leonard sighed and said "yeah thanks." He says and walks away. He glare at Amaya. "Did you tell Rip that me and Mick were dating!" Leonard says darkly. Mick chokes on his beer. "what!" He says. "Sorry I panicked. I will tell her the truth after." Amaya said. "Anyway Kendra your up." Kendra walks up to you. "Hey wanna train?" She asks. You shake your head. "Can't I have to do stuff." You said. Kendra nods then says "Ok who are you dating!" She says. You give her a puzzled look." What are you talking about?" You ask. Kendra punches you playfully. "You never pass training. You always want to through darts at Leonard's head." You sigh and say " I'm fine Kendra." You walk away. "I was so close." She says to the team. "Ok Nate your stupid ass is up. Then Mick." Nate nods. He cracks his fingers. He goes up to Rip. "Hey Rip." He says. Rip nods. "Why are a lot of people coming up to me?" He says. Nate shrugs and says "You know I noticed that we have a lot of couples in This ship but your not." He says. Rip flinched A bit but looks at Nate. "Well I am currently focused on my wife. Mr. Heywood." He says sternly. Nate stops immediately not wanting to get on Rips bad side. He goes to the rest of the Legends. "Well I guess it can't be done. No one can make them admit it." Mick looks at Leonard and says "Hold My Beer." He walks up to you. Nate snickers. "This guys can't do it." "Sup Hotstuff." Mick flirts. You blush a bit but smile. "What you want Mick?" Mick looks up making sure Rips in view. Yup Rip sees you two. "I just wanted to see your face again." You look up at him. "You mean ass." Mick smirks. "That too." Mick starts touching your shoulder then Rip pulls his laser gun out. "Take your hands off her!" Mick puts his hands up. "If he makes him say it I swear I will worship this damn Criminal!" Nate says. "Why she's single. I get to flirt. Why are you so jealous!" Mick says pushing Rips buttons. "BECAUSE WERE SCREWING!" He yells. Mick puts his hands down. The team walk in shocked at what they saw the Pyro do. "Pay up Bitches!" He says. All of them reach into their pocket and give Mick their 40 bucks. Mick counts it. "Ahh. About 300 dollars." Mick replies. Rip looks confusingly at the team. "Oh we made a deal whoever said You and Rip were screwing would get 40 dollars from everyone." Sarah says. " By the way we are not Gay!" Leonard says pointing to him and Mick. "I actually like Sarah so." Rip looks at You. "HA PAY UP!" You yell. Rip reluctantly gives you 100 dollars. Now the team was confused. "Oh we betted on Sarah and Leonard being together." You explain. You kiss Rip and he kisses back. "See you love birds later!" Mick says happily. The rest of the team groan as they walk away. "Should we tell them?" Rip says. " Not yet. I think we should keep Rip Jr a secret." You day as Rip touches your stomach. Yup your pregnant.

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