Chapter 42

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-[Y/N] Pov-
We finish eating and we read the letters. My letters were basically them telling the Timothy was gone, asking if I got home alright, and asking if they should come back.

"I'll be right back," I say. I run and write them a note.

I write,

"Dear Alex, John, Herc, and Laf,
Thank you for your concerns. I am fine, I had a little.... inconvenience, but I won't get into that now. I'm glad that Timothy is gone, hopefully we'll never see him again. And no, none of you have to come home. I'll see you guys after the war. Please don't get hurt.

[Y/N] Hamilton"

It's short, I know. I'm not they type of person who writes 10 page letters.

Anyways, I'll have to wait until tomorrow to send it. I walk back to Eliza.

"Ready to go?" She asks. I nod. We walk out the door and go to different stores. We get some dresses for me and some for her.

Then, she walks into a store that sells.... sexy shit.

"Uhm, Eliza, I'm not comfortable going in there," I say.

"Come on, don't worry, it's not for you," she responded. I reluctantly follow her into the store.

She picks out stuff, and once she asked me if Alex would like them. Like bitch, I don't wanna think that way about my brother.

She picks one up.

"I think this would look good on you," she says. Let's just say, it doesn't leave much to the imagination, anywhere. "John might like it."

I blush and look away.

"I'll get it anyways," she says. She buys the stuff and we leave. Finally.

We head home and go inside. Then I suddenly hear Eliza scream.

"ALEXX!!!" She runs over and hugs him. And I stand there, dumbfounded because there's no way the war is over. I know for a fact, that if the war was over all 4 of the boys would be here.

Eliza let's go of him and kisses him deeply.

"I missed you so much! Is the war over?" She asks.

"No, you see, I got sent home," He says.

"Excuse me?!" I yell. "What did you do?!"

"Well, John and I got into a duel with someone that shit talked General Washington after he said to let it go," he explained.

"Sweet Jesus," I mumble.

"Well thank god you're home! I have something to tell you," Eliza says.

"Should I give you two privacy?" I ask.

"Yes please," Eliza says. I walk into my room and close the door.

I grab a book and start reading.

After about 30 minutes, I start to wonder what they're talking about, so I put my ear to the door.

"Alex, you know she can't say here forever though," I hear Eliza say.

"I know, I know, it's just that she has nowhere else to go. You know there's no real way for her to get money," Alex says.

"I know, just think about what I said before," Eliza says. "I'll be tending to the garden."

Oh, OH! AND HERE I WAS THINKING THAT ELIZA ACTUALLY CARED ABOUT ME!! I guess I can't trust anyone. Especially if they say that they care. I grabbed a bag and started packing. I got a couple dresses and the sexy one that Eliza got me. I climbed out the window and ran away.

I guess the only way I'm gonna make money is by turning to prostitution again.

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