Chapter 71

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-Alex Pov-
I look out my window.

"Shit, it's morning," I say to myself and get up. "Eliza's going to kill me."

I put my coat on and I hear the door open behind me, followed by footsteps. I turn around.

"Mr. Secretary... Mr. Madison.... Senator Burr," I look at all of them and shrug my shoulders. "What is this?"

"We have the check stubs from separate accounts," Jefferson starts.

"Almost a thousand dollars paid in different amounts," Madison says.

"To a Mr. James Reynolds in this past month," Burr states. Oh shit.

"Is that what you have? Are you done?" I ask and cross my arms.

"You are uniquely situated by virtue of you position—" Madison starts.

"Though "virtue" is not a word I'd apply to this situation—" Jefferson cuts in.

"To seek financial gain, to stray from your sacred mission," Madison finishes.

Jefferson walks over to me and pushes me back down into my seat. "And the evidence suggests you've engaged in speculation."

"An Immigrant embezzling our government funds," Burr walks to my right and looks down at me.

"I can almost see the headline, your career is done," Madison and Jefferson say, doing the same thing as Burr. But Madison is on my left and Jefferson is leaning on my desk.

"I hope you saved some money for you daughter and sons," Burr says.

"You best g'wan run back where you come from!" They all yell. I'm infuriated. I suddenly get up and slam my hands on the desk, startling all three of them. Jefferson backs up off my desk.

"HA! You don't even know what you're asking me to confess." I retaliate.

"Confess," they all say tauntingly.

"You have nothing! I don't have to tell you anything at all...." I cross my arms. "Unless..."

"Unless?" They ask.

"If I can prove that I never broke the law, do you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?" I go to my filing cabinet and get out some papers.

"No one else was in the room where it happened," Burr mumbles. I whip around.

"Is that a yes?" I snap.

"Uhmm... yes!" They say. I look at Mr. Reynolds' letter. I reluctantly hand it to Burr. Anything to clear my name. Jefferson leans over Burrs shoulder.

"Dear sir,
I hope this letter finds you in good health, and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth in the pockets of people like me: down on their luck. You see, that was my wife you decided to—" Burr starts.

"WhhhHhhhhHhhhHaaaAaaaaaAaaatttTttttTtttt?" Jefferson yells.

"She courted me, escorted me to bed and when she had me in a corner that's when Reynolds extorted me for a sordid fee. I paid him quarterly. I may have morally wounded my prospects, but my papers are orderly," I put the rest of my papers on my desk. "As you can see, I kept record of every check in my checkered history. Check it again against your list and see consistency. I never spent a cent that wasn't mine. You sent the dogs after my scent, that's fine! YES! I have reason for shame. But I have not committed treason and sullied my good name. As you can see, I have done nothing to provoke legal action. Are my answers to your satisfaction?" I yell.

"My god," Jefferson sounds astonished.

"Gentlemen, lets go," Madison says, unbothered my my confession.

"So?" I ask before they leave.

"The people won't know what we know." Jefferson and Madison say. They all turn to go out.

"Burr!" I yell. He turns around. "How do I know you won't use this against me the next time we go toe-to-toe?"

-[Y/N] Pov-
"Alexander, rumors only grow. And we both know what we know," I hear Burr say. Burr, Jefferson, and Madison walk out.

"I would wait a while before you go in. In case you heard anything," Burr whispers to me. I nod.

They walk away and I sink to the floor. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy or the fact that Alex is having an affair.

After a bit. I get up. I knock on the door. I hear Alex sigh.

"Come in," He says. I breath and walk in. He's working. Of course he's working. I clear my throat and he looks up. "Hello [Y/N], it's nice to see you."

I nod. "I'm here to drop off some papers. I also have a message from your beloved wife, Eliza," I say. "Ahem, she told me, and I quote 'Tell Alexander to get his ass home right now or he won't live to see tomorrow' her words. Not mine. But I would've said something amongst those lines."

He sighs and gets up. "I was heading home, but I was.... interrupted." He gets up and hurries our the door with a bunch of papers. I sigh and put the papers on his desk. I walk out and I'm stopped by Madison and Jefferson.

Hellohellohello! Here's another update for y'all to make up for not updating for a while and the short update yesterday. Anyways, don't get your hopes up for more updates. I'll see what I can do.

I'll see y'all later BAII!!


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