{One✓} Roman, Ramen, Same Thing

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{Before we start, I have only once been to Starbucks, but didn't order myself. So I don't speak coffee, or know how to order coffee. So I stole items from the internet. If I get something wrong, don't hurt me}

"Patton?" Anxiety called and looked into the slightly older male's room. Patton groaned and lifted his head from his pillow.
Anxiety pushed the door open further and set the plate of toast and eggs in front of the table lamp on the bedside table.

"Mornin' kiddo." Patton murmured, his voice low from just waking up.

"I'm heading off to work. I made you breakfast too." Anxiety said, already in the mandatory black shirt, and blue jeans. His apron would be at work, where he would have to take off his oversized hoodie.

"Already? I thought you were trying to get the afternoon shifts." Patton whined, taking the plate into his plate and nibbling on his toast.

"Yeah, but James got sick and I'm the only one that can take his place. I should be back at seven this afternoon." Anxiety sighed, and Patton whined again.

The father figure set the plate aside and rocketed to his feet, his arms wrapped around Anxiety, though Anxiety hated hugs, and instantly grew nervous he would do something wrong, he didn't pull away.

Anxiety had grown extremely close to Patton over the years they had lived together. Patton referring to him now as 'his weird dark child'. Which Anxiety didn't mind, Patton was always 'Dad' to him.

Patton released Anxiety and returned to tiredly eating his breakfast. Anxiety gave him a short goodbye before shuffling out to find his house keys and get to the bus stop.

As he exited the house, he mechanically locked the door behind him, and flicked his hood up over his head. Sometimes, Anxiety wished he never had to leave the house, and that money could just come to them.

But alas, society didn't want that.

Anxiety walked into the coffee shop, the small jingle softly alerting whoever was behind the counter someone had came in. He hesitantly pulled his hood off before entering the back room reserved for the employees.

He pulled off his hoodie and picked off his apron from the small hook on the wall. He replaced his hoodie on the hook and quickly put the apron on. There was a few minutes left before his shift started, so he sat on a small seat and played with his phone, checking his Tumblr until the clock hit seven and he placed his phone in the back pocket.

A small girl came out and signaled for Anxiety to replace her. He stood and went out behind the counter. He tried to swallow his growing his anxiety and started working. Cursing James for getting sick.

He had just finished the first hour of his shift, the line had just cleared up, and Anxiety was left to enjoy his lonesome, cleaning the machine and counter.
The door jingle sounded, making Anxiety quickly glance up to the door. The short girl was finally leaving, a weirdly dressed man holding the door open for her.

He was dressed like a Disney princes, sash and all. Anxiety rolled his eyes and continue to wipe off the counter.
Soon, he was stood on the other side of the counter, and Anxiety inwardly groaned.

"Welcome to Kofi Bean, what would you like?" Anxiety asked, avoiding looking at him until he finished. He tensed slightly, it was as if he was looking in the mirror. The fairytale guy looked exactly like him. But with some

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now