{Thirteen✓} Movies

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"Anxiety!" Missy called from outside, Pranks hanging off Thomas' arm as they plan something.

Virgil pulls himself off his seat, and shoves his phone into his pocket. He dragged himself outside with a groan. Missy ran towards him, and Pranks dropped to the ground and ran over to him with a giggle.

"Pick us up!" Missy giggled, and tugged on Virgil's jacket sleeve. Pranks laughed and pulled on his other sleeve.

"Yeah! Pick us up V!" Pranks chortled and pulled lightly on his sleeve.

"I'm not strong enough you pick you guys up." Anxiety mumbled, and tries to pull his arms free.

"Then one at a time!" Pranks says loudly, making Missy nod excitedly. Thomas laughs at them as Virgil's figure slumps in defeat and he groans out a loud okay.

Pranks let's go of Anxiety's arm, allowing Missy to go first. Anxiety hoists Missy up onto his shoulders, holding him in place by his knees.

"Yay!" Missy cheers and messes with Anxiety's hair. The soothing sensation of hands running through his hair makes Virgil relax slightly and he starts to walk about the front yard with Missy on his shoulders.

"Thomas!" Patton calls from inside and runs out, his panicked expression immediately drops and he happily smiles at Virgil and Missy. The older male guides Missy around the yard one more time before setting the kid back onto the ground.

Pranks runs over to Anxiety, the older male rolls his shoulders before having Pranks climb on. Pranks held onto his hair as Virgil walked around in the front yard. Thomas and Patton joking and laughing with each other, occasionally glancing to Anxiety and the two kids.

Anxiety's phone buzzed in his pocket, and he carefully slid it out of his pocket with one hand and looked at the screen.

A message from the prince himself.

Anxiety put his phone back into his pocket, and finished walking Pranks around before putting the child back down. He pulled his phone back out and tapped his notification, having to unlock his phone before he could see what the prince had decided to bless him with.

if I end up in prison, know it was for a good reason.

You were screaming Disney in public?



Yeah, next time Logan's around I'll ask him


Too much capslock.

If I could stick my tongue out at you. I would.

If I could stab someone, I would. We don't all get what we want.

Ouch, you're so mean sometimes

And extremely anxious.

Bah, I'll talk to you later Mcmychemicalromance.

So creative.

"Hey, Virg?" Thomas calls, bring Anxiety's gaze from his phone. Virgil raised a brow at him and hums, turning his phone off as he does.

"You still work at Kofi Bean right?" The other male asks, Virgil nods and gives him an odd look. Surely, no meaningful conversation could come from that question.

"Meet any potential lovers yet?" Thomas teases, making Virgil flush with embarrassment. He huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I've made a single friend." Virgil replied, Roman his only new friends from the last time Thomas and the kids were down.

"The prince guy from airport?" Thomas asks, and Virgil nods as if Thomas was a toddler.

"Roman right?" Virgil nods again, and Thomas immediately goes into a thoughtful look.

"How about Virman?"

"Are you making ship names?" Virgil groaned.


"That's just Roman with a V in front."


"Just my name with a N at the end."


"Wow, a shitty superhero."

"Virgil! The children!" Patton scolds, making Missy and Pranks snicker.

"Anyways, Viroman?"

"Again, shhhabad superhero."


"Are you even trying?"


"By god kill me already."

"Geez, Virroman."

"I hate you."

"Fine. I'll just call your ship Virgin." Thomas huffs and follows Virgil inside. Virgil flushes a thousand shades red and he hits Thomas's shoulder, making the other male laugh.

"No!" Virgil yelped, face a bright pink, even under the foundation.
Thomas laughs loudly and falls onto the couch as Virgil makes himself some cereal.

"What about Voman? It's better than the others, and keeps your real name hidden." Thomas says as Anxiety pours in the milk, he sighs, knowing Thomas wouldn't give in til he had a name to share with Patton.

"Fine. Good enough." Virgil groans.

"Or, what's his nickname? Ramen or Princey? I'll go with Princey." Thomas says after Virgil started to eat. He looked up from his bowl and looked at his cousin weirdly.

"So, Prinxiety." Thomas said simply, making Anxiety shrug.

"Better than Virgin." Virgil grumbled and continued to eat. Thomas nods, knowing he found a name he could chant behind his back with dad.


"Hey Missy," Virgil whispered, stepping into the guest room, and past the sleeping Thomas. The child hummed, pulling their self free from their sibling.

"Wanna watch an adult movie?" Anx whispered, showing his laptop screen. Missy scrambles off the bed and over to Virgil.

"What movie is it?" He asked, mischief glittering in the child's eyes.

"I have It, the new one, and the Alien remake. Um, I also got Game Of Thrones on Netflix downstairs." Anxiety mumbled, scrolling through his downloaded movies.

Missy bounced in his spot and followed Virgil back to his room and curled up against the older male as they watched the movies, and crept downstairs at one to binge watch Game Of Thrones until they were caught by Pranks.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now