{Nine✓} Dream Lover, Texting Missy and Pranks

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"You're so tiny." Roman commented. Anxiety looked at him oddly, of course he would say that. No dignity.

"I know. Fast metabolism Princey." Anxiety shot back, checking his phone for the time as he leaned against the bus stop.

"But like, I could pick you up!" Roman said loudly, Anxiety glared at him, as if to dare him to try to pick him up.

"I won't!" Prince held his hands up in a mock surrender, Anxiety huffed, he was early, the bus wouldn't come for about twenty minutes.

"I had a dream." Roman declared, and Anxiety's mind immediately went to Disney's Tangled.

"I swear, if you break out in song." Anxiety groaned, making Roman chuckle.

"That's not what I meant, but you're still no fun. Anyways, I had a dream where I was in a date, I think-" Ran started, and Anxiety immediately knew where he was going.

"Was it with your princess?" Anxiety teased, cutting Roman off. Roman rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

"Prince." He corrected, the faint memory of the mysterious lover's black liquorice and cinnamon lips against his own. And the bliss that flooded him at the sensation the kiss offered.

"Could be gayer." Anxiety said and texted a quick message to an online friend.

"It was quite gay." Roman said and peered at Anxiety's phone screen, who pushed the phone against his chest, hiding his conversation from Princey.

"It was, amazing. According to what I remember. We meet at the park, I had a few random facts I was listing off about him, like he's a cuddler. I remember I had a picnic set up for him. And..." Roman trailed off, the finer details of the dream a blur Roman desperately wanted to remember.

Such as his lover's face.

"Who were they?" Anxiety asked, still yet to look up from his phone as he typed away.

"I... Can't remember." Roman muttered quietly. Anxiety hummed, showing he somewhat listened.

Anxiety's eyebrows furrowed, he tried to juggle a conversation with both Roman and Missy.

Missy C - Pranks is being a butt. Wish you were here to glare some sense into him. He won't stop putting things in doorways and on the floor!

V - Tell him Anx said to stop or I'll just have to prank him ten times worse when he comes down to visit.

Missy C - Yay!

Anxiety looked up from his phone, Roman staring sadly across the street at the loss of his dream lover.

"I don't believe in Fairytale true love Prince. Or soulmates. Or love at first sight." Anxiety said bluntly, making the walking Prince Charming gasp dramatically.

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