{Fifteen} Why He Believes In Soulmates

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"I don't consent!" Pranks declared as a spoon was held in front of his face by his sibling.

"By god Padon. Eat." Missy groaned and forced the spoon of oatmeal into Pranks mouth. Pranks' face scrunched up in disgust but he swallowed it, and begrudgingly started to eat.

"Thomas, how do you take care of these children? Oatmeal? Really? You're killing them." Anxiety jokes, making Thomas glare at him as the children snicker.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll cook you in the oatmeal." Thomas said with a huff and crossed his arms.

"I'll embrace the cold touch of death with open arms." Anxiety replied monotonously, standing from the table, looking at his phone screen.

"Good." Thomas replied with a short chuckle and shooed Anxiety off.

He had to go to work anyways.


"Anymore dream lover dreams?" Anxiety asked, working on a couple of coffees. Roman sighs sadly, signalling his dream boy hadn't visited him recently.

"No, alas, he had abandoned me for the time being." Prince wiped a fake tear away, making Anxiety roll his eyes.

"I would too." Anxiety replied with a chuckle, making Roman gasp.

"You're too mean." Roman whined and wiped at more fake tears.

"Whatever Roman empire." Virgil chuckled and set three to-go cups in the counter in front of him.

"May-bell." Virgil called and a small girl came up and handed him a twenty, before smiling at him and taking the cups.

"How do you even believe in soulmates?" Virgil asked as he started on the next order. Prince fell silent, tapping his bottom lip with his straw as he thought of an answer.

"How do you not? Everyone is made for someone. A soul isn't whole until one meets their one true love and accepts them. The beauty of two soulmates working perfectly together, each other made perfectly to mold into the other's touch. Designed so that they can wrap each other's arms around one another, pull each other impossibly close, and still find a place to be safe, and comfortable. Is it not real magic to have someone that'll never leave, and that they will truly love you." Roman rambled, making Virgil pause a few times and think.

'Designed so that they can wrap each other's around one another, pull each other impossibly close, and still find a place to be safe, and comfortable.' Virgil thought to past, failed relationships.
He could get comfortable in their arms, in their touch. But never safe.

"I like the idea of it." Virgil mumbled, seeing a glimmer in Roman's eyes as the 'royal's' tongue ran over his lips.

"That's the charm." Roman said in a wistful tone. Virgil finished the drink and set it on the counter.

"James." He called, making the security guard from the nearby mall stand and walk to the counter.

"How is Patton?" James asked, handing Virgil his money carefully.

"Dad's great, Thomas the engine and the kids came down last weekend, so he's being entertained while I'm gone." Virgil chuckled, making the solemn looking male smile slightly.

"That's great to hear. Could Anastasia come over one afternoon to play with the boys? Hannah's getting mad that she can't have overnight custody anymore, and is coming over tomorrow to try and settle things." James said as Virgil handed the make his cup.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Padon had a crush on her anyways, I'll come pick her up tomorrow morning before work." Virgil said with a final smile, which James returned before walking out.

"He's an old friend from highschool, devorced his wife with a eleven year old girl. I'll bring you along to pick her up if you want." Virgil said as he started on an iced coffee and tea.

"I'd love to." Roman chirped with a smile, leaning against the counter.

It was silent for a few minutes, Virgil calling up the next person and starting on the next order before speaking to Roman again.

"What's love at first sight like?" He asked, wanting to buy into his fairytale myths.
Roman paused again, trying to pick out an idea he could babble on about again.

"That's also connected to soulmates. I only remember the feeling from Mr. Dream Lover. You get an entire forest in your stomach, your mind starts to buzz like an old computer, and you just know. Like when you're watching a murder mystery, and the first glance you get of the murderer, and just know that's the killer. You immediately want to be with them forever. Grow old beside them, watch them grow as a person" Roman explained.
Virgil gnawed on his bottom lip, wanting to know if he ever felt that.

He never remembered that sensation.

Where he just knew.

He wanted to know.


Virgil laid in his garden, bird chirping just background noise to keep other thoughts out.

He sits up, and looks about, bored of just laying and letting his fears slip from him like he normally did.

"Does everyone get a dream lover?" He asked the garden. Leaves twitched and translucent animals wandered about.

Only earn them.

"Do I earn one?" Virgil asked, he laid back down, staring to the sky.

If someone who earns one gets you, but you don't earn it, do you still get it?

"Am I someone's dream lover?" Virgil asked, noticing the cracks in the sky. The calm of the garden was falling apart, his real mind would come for him soon.

Are you anyone's lover?

"Could I be someone's lover?" Virgil asked, not liking the some what existential questions that wanted to come bubbling out.

Could anyone love you?

The sky cracked open, darkness swallowing the garden.


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