{Twenty Nine} Sweater Paws And Star Charts

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[I'm going to start editing chapters after Ch30 comes out. So sorry if you get a shit load of notifications from chapters you've already read.
Also I feel like I don't write a convincing Logan. . . I should work on my vocabulary lol, don't know how Thomas and Joan (+Tayln) do it.]

"Who?" Virgil asked, dumbfounded. A quiet murmur was heard before Patton responded.

"Uh, Logan kiddo. Here," Something described as a crackle was heard as Patton handed the phone over to Logan.

"Anxiety?" Logan said, and Virgil sucked in his stomach as his gaze gardens on the oven timer a few minutes away from going off.

"Hey." Virgil mumbled, silently praying Roman wasn't there with him.

"I wish to discuss something with you." Logan said, and the muffled voice of Miss Darling cooing in the background.

"What? I'm not talking to Roman, or to you about Roman." Virgil asked and jumped off the counter to grab the mixing bowl, he wanted to give his hands something to do.

"Not that at all. I heard you are interested in star mapping. Roman is gone his weekend and I would like your input on one that's giving me a bit of difficulty." Logan said, the background noise of Miss Darling calling her daughter to “come look at the sweets the sweet gave them” almost had all of Virgil's attention.

"You're sure he won't be there?" Virgil mumbled. He did enjoy looking at the stars, they were relaxing. And Logan was a great debate partner. He wouldn't mind hanging out with him.

"Unquestionably." Logan confirmed and more noises on he other line has Virgil guessing Patton (or someone else) joined Logan's side or was going past him.

"Okay, when should I come over, I guess." Virgil mumbled and the oven went off. He turned off the alarm quickly, nearly spilling the batter as he jumped from the counter.

"Saturday, any time period after twelve would be satisfactory." Logan replied.


The first good sign that Roman wouldn't be there was a lack of blindly bright, and stainless red car.

The second sign was Logan opened the door. No Princey in the background.

"Salutations Anxiety. It's a bit late in the day." Logan commented and stepped to the side, allowing Virgil to enter.

The anxious male stepped into the home and followed Logan to his room. It was clean, and everything neatly organized. Papers sectioned off by small tabs, pencils of a certain type in a small, transparent box. Mechanical pencils in another plastic box on top of the typical pencil. Pens in the same type of container beside the other two.

The rest of the room was meticulously organized as Logan's pencils were.

It was like walking into a crime scene, something he shouldn't mess with. A new world opened up to him, a scent of faint coffee and bitter lemon.

"Why does it smell like lemons in here?" Virgil asked, turning around to face Logan as he pushed the door wide open and joined him in the room.

"The scent of lemons promotes concentration and has calming and clarifying properties that are helpful when one is feeling angry, anxious, or run down. Lemon also has antiviral and antibacterial properties and can help fight sore throats and colds by boosting the body's immune system and improving circulation." Logan replied quickly, almost as if he had been expecting this.

"Hmm, maybe I should spritz some lemon in my room for that less anxious effect." Virgil chuckled and a small smile tipped onto Logan's lips. Just a small twitch of the corner of his mouth before flattening again.

"Shall I get the charts?" Logan asked, and Virgil nodded. Logan pulled open a drawer by his bed.

"Oh, Logan." Logan looked up, eyebrows raising as he pushed up his glasses.

"Yes Anxiety?" Logan asked, hand pausing inside the drawer.

"I don't much appreciate you trying to steal my oversized hoodie look." Virgil said teasingly and Logan looked down at his purple hoodie.

"Oh," Logan let out a small chuckle and pushed the sleeve up his wrists as he carefully pulled out the chart.

"You're familiar with this constellation, correct?" Logan asked, and Virgil's eyes quickly went up to the name written on the top. MENSA

"Oh, the dimmest constalation. Why don't you just look it up on Google?" Virgil asked as he took the thin blue paper from Logan, white pen and pencils having been used to place the stars.

"I prefer using books and telescopes." Logan replied and pointed to the telescope folded up and lying under his closed window.

Logan's sweater swallowed up his hands again as he closed the drawer and Virgil tried to make sense of Logan's chart.

"You have any books that'll help us?" Virgil asked, and Logan nodded, grabbing a book from the alphabetically organized shelf and handing it to him.

Constellations it read on the front. He flips to the table of contents, scanning for the M section when Logan's phone goes off.

"I'll find Mensa, you take care of that." Virgil said quickly when Logan looked as though he was going to deny the call. Logan nodded and stepped out while swiping up and pressing the phone to his ear.

Virgil flipped through the pages until a name caught his eye. He could hear little snippets of Logan's conversation.

“I don't believe so.”
“Why ever would you-”
“Roman- He”
“I don't approve of that viewpoint.”
“Don't do anything arrogant.”

"Found it!" Virgil called out to Logan without thinking as he found the two pages side by side about one of the dimmest constalations.

"I'll be there in a minute." Logan replied and Virgil nodded to himself and resumed his eavesdropping.

“Do not think so dimwitted like.”
“I am not romantic-”
“I am not romantically interested or involved with him.”

“You are in a relationship, why are you so possessive?”

A moment of silence before a begrudging farewell and Logan joined Virgil again with a sour expression.

"You look happy." Virgil commented, hoping to stop the frowning. Logan looked at him, and noticed the nervous smirk and pushed his own smile on his face.

How were these two supposed to have fun when they both were lying to themselves and each other?

"Shall we get started now?" Logan asked, rubbing his hands together and glancing at his wrist watch.

"We shall." Virgil mumbled and pushed the book towards Logan.

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