{Three✓} Beef

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The nightmares were relentless. For the past month, Anxiety woke up every night from intense nightmares, that he couldn't remember a few hours later.

Occasionally he'd go to Patton if he had enough strength, but most nights he road out the panic attacks.

Tonight was one of those nights where he had found himself stumbling through the hallway. A sob caught in his throat and he collapsed. Anxiety curled up on himself, unable to get up again and reach Patton's door.

Patton rushed out of his room and gasped, he knelt by Anxiety, having learned from his 'son' what to do.

"Virgil, can you hear me?" He asked gently, Anxiety sobbed, he buried his face into his hands and nodded.

"Okay, can, can I touch you?" Patton asked gently, and waited for Anxiety to nod his consent again.
His hand gently met with the back of Anxiety's hand, and gently pulled his hand away and wrapped both his hands around Anxiety's one.

"Okay, Virgil, breath. Remember, your exercises." Patton cooed, and left Anxiety in his breathing exercises. Soon, Anxiety was curled up on Patton's lap.

"Are you okay?" Patton asked gently, and Anxiety numbly shook his head, bitting onto his bottom lip.

"C'mon, you want some hot chocolate?" Patton helped Anxiety to his feet, Anxiety nodded again and walked with Patton downstairs.


"I have to go to work this afternoon." Anxiety said, looking up from the coloring page.
It was now mid day, and luckily Anxiety didn't have to go to work that morning.

"You sure? Can't you just stay home all day? It's nice having you here kiddo." Patton whined, looking up from his light green dog.

"It's fine. Plus, I can always make it up to you later." Anxiety reached over and pat the top of Patton's head. The father figure smiled at him and returned to eating his mid-day cereal.

Patton finished the page, and closed his book, and cleaned up his crayons, Anxiety took only spoonfuls of milk from the bowl at a time.
He watched silently as Patton cleaned up, and put his book away in the drawer on the small table by the couch with the rest of the books.

"I got to start getting ready." Anxiety said and stood up, quickly finishing his cereal. Patton took the bowl from him, and shot him a smile. Anxiety slightly smiled back before heading upstairs.

He pur on his Vetal Miking shirt, and a pair of black skinny jeans. Pulling on a heavy, oversized grey hoodie on over top his shirt, Anxiety gathered his house key, unplugged his phone, and hesitated as his hand hovered over the almost full bottle of anxiety medication.

He knocked it over and went into the hallway bathroom, opened his drawer under the sink and pulled out his eyeshadow.
Lightly applying a bit of black eyeshadow under his eye, over his already dark bags.
He put the eyeshadow back and walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs, snatching his earbuds on the way.

"Bye Dad!" Anxiety called and he stepped outside. He plugged his earbuds in and started playing some music.
He walked to the bus stop, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Once he was in the bus, he pulled it back out and opened Tumblr.

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