{Ten✓} Disney Delusions

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"Logan, it happened again! I was so close to figuring out his name too!" Roman wailed, having just told Logan of his dream lover in as little detail as possible.
He wanted to keep the sweet moments to himself.

The feeling of his other half so close to him, and their dreamy eyes.

"Little is known about dreams in the scientific world, but could I comment-" Roman groaned and put a hand over Logan's mouth.

"No you may not! Do not ruin my dreamy eyed lover dreams! He's out there! I just need to find him!" Roman declared and stood from the couch.

"I do not believe in soulmates." Logan said once Roman's hand was off his face.
Roman gasped loudly, nearly falling over. He and Anxiety?!
How could they be such pessimists?!

"That's what Anxiety said! How are you two such pessimists?!" Roman wailed, Logan rolled his eyes and readjusted his glasses.

"It's called being a realist. We see the world for how it is. Different than you and your Disney delusions." Logan sad coldly, making Roman gasp again.

How rude!

"They're not delusions!" Roman cried, distressed by the fact Logan would even dare try and slander the name of Disney.

"I am not in the mood to debate you now. Though we both know how our last debate went." Logan said and returned to his room.

Roman scoffed at him and decided to head out to Kofi Bean to annoy Anxiety.


"Now you're just stalking your dream lover." Anxiety chuckled, and Roman rolled his eyes. He didn't know the texture of their lips against his, the joy brought when they smiled, the sense of satisfaction when they touched.

Anxiety just didn't understand.

"Would you stop calling me a stalker?" Roman whined, making Anxiety snickered.

"Stop stalking people." Was his short reply before he returned to work.

Once Anxiety finished his shift, Roman stopped and waited by the Employees Only room. Anxiety soon came out in his signature jacket and phone in hand.

"Let's go grab a bite." Roman said and smiled at Anxiety, hoping to win the other male over with his regal charm.

"You're paying." Anxiety mumbled and glanced up from his phone screen. Roman snuck a glance at the screen. He inwardly smirked and lead Anxiety to a nearby Subway to grab a sandwich.

"What do you want?" Prince asked, and Anxiety shrugged.

"Surprise me dream stalker." Anxiety replied, and Roman scoffed.
Anxiety sat at an unoccupied table near the table. He scrolled through Tumblr, finding random, and oddly sinister Disney quotes recommend to him.

Prince soon joined him at the table and sat down across from him. Roman handed Anxiety his bundle and unwrapped his, quickly starting to eat as though he had been starved for days.

"I want to get to know you better." Prince said after a few bites. Anxiety was much slower, only on his second bite.
He looked up from the speckled bread, and gave Ramen a weird look.

"You're gonna have to spit something out too. Secrets for secrets Pasta." Anxiety said and took another bite of his sandwich.
Roman's eyes widen and he pauses mid bite, making him look not so regal. Anxiety held in a snicker and gave him another weird look.

Princey was definitely going insane after those two dreams.

"Yeah, secrets for secrets." Roman mumbled in a dreamy tone, making Anxiety roll his eyes and eat his sandwich silently for a few more minutes.

"Spit it up Roman Empire." Anxiety said, making Roman's eye momentarily widen before he fell into deep thought.

Roman was caught off guard by Anxiety's use of Secret For Secret. His dream lover immediately coming into mind.

something cheesy might do. But something personal and touching would probably get him more kisses.

Roman dismissed the thought, Anxiety was not his dream lover. Just a new friend! Anxiety wouldn't even allow Roman to touch his shoulder for Zeus's Beard!
How could that primarily raisin oatmeal raisin cookie be his true love?!

"Uhm, I used to have the worst fear that I was never good enough. And was constantly looking for validation by those I cared about and kept around me. I've grown out of that a bit now, but it always comes back to nip at me a bit." Roman said and nervously rubbed the base of his neck.

Anxiety stared at his sandwich as he ate, making Roman's stomach fill with dread.

Too personal?

"I'm supposed to be on anxiety medication for my extreme anxiety and frequent panic attacks. But I quit months ago without Patton knowing, and know when he wants to see the bottle, I flush a few down the toilet so it looks like I've been taking them. He's going to take me back the the therapist soon to get more." Anxiety said flatly, making Roman freeze.

Maybe his wasn't too personal.

"Why did you stop?" Roman asked gently, half finished sandwich sat on the paper it had been wrapped in on the table.

Anxiety shrugged, adverting his gaze to the door, then ceiling, then the Subway sigh on the wall, and the floor.

"The answer to that would require another one of your secrets Roman Empire. But, in short. They make everything so much fucking worst." Anxiety mumbled and finished his sandwich, he crumbled up the paper and quickly took out a ten from his small, falling apart wallet and set it on the table for Roman.

"Thanks for the food, nice chat too. See you later Ramen." Anxiety said, left the table, threw his bundle away in a trash bin by the door, and left.

Roman stared at Anxiety's disappearing figure.

Truly, he couldn't be his stary eyed dream lover.

He couldn't taste like liquorice and cinnamon.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now