{Thirty Six} Virgil

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The new couple was at Roman's house, and had been playfully arguing about Aladdin before the more cat like male curled up against Roman.

It eventually just turned into a day of them cuddling on Roman's bed and watching Disney. And Roman wouldn't have it any other way.


Roman smiled at his boyfriend, arms wrapped around his small waist, pulling him as close as humanly possible.

"Roman?" His dream lover spoke, looking up from the grey jacket he was wearing.

"Yes my stary eyed dreamer?" Roman cooed, brushing the bangs from his dearest's face.

"Secret for secret?" He mumbled, tilting his head up. Roman smiled and connected his lips with his boyfriend's. His lover instantly responded, kissing Prince back, imprinting the taste of his lips onto Roman's.

"Secret for secret." Roman parroted as he pulled away, a soft smile aimed at Anxiety.

"You first pasta." He turned around in Roman's arms so his legs were twisted around Roman's sides, and his arms around his neck.

"My secret, hmm..." Roman thought, something cheesy might do. But something personal and touching would probably get him more kisses.

"Every single night, when you're not here, or you're asleep next to me, I'm afraid I might say something, or do something to loose you. And I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost my stary night dream." Roman pressed his forehead gently against his boyfriend's, earning him a small kiss on the nose.

Something touching would get him kisses.

"Now your secret." Roman said gently, and his boyfriend immediately became a bit fidgety.

"You don't have to if you don't-" Roman started but was cut off.

"My real name is Virgil." He spat out quickly and hid his face into Roman's neck. Roman stayed still and obsorbing the information.

"Virgil?" He asked, and An- Virgil flinched against him, but nodded.

"It's a beautiful name my love. Why don't you like it?" Roman asked and lifted Virgil's head to look at him. Virgil blushed under his eyeshadow and shrugged.

"Why don't you go about yelling your fear of noodles?" Anx- Virgil replied sassily.

"Awe, don't be like that babe." Roman chuckled and Virgil pouted. He snuggled into Roman and closed his eyes, his eyelashes tickling Roman's collarbone.

"I'll be like that." He mumbled defiantly. Roman scoffed and tightened his hold around his cat-like boyfriend.

"Hmm, I love you." Roman whispered to him, and Virgil hummed in joy.

"I, love you too." He had hesitated, but Roman could tell the romantic love was a foreign word on his tongue.

"You cat."

"Fuck you."


"Viirrrggiilll!" Roman yelled and ran after his boyfriend, who had just stolen his phone and dashed. Patton's eyes widen in surprise but he squeals to himself and squishes his own cheeks as he follows after the two.

"Come baackkk!" Roman yells to Virgil, who was trying to run and focus on the phone at the same time.

"Not now!" He called back and quickly turned around, past Roman and ducked behind Patton.

"Protect me Dad!" Virgil panted and pressed his shoulder against Patton's back as he continued on the red and white phone.

Roman ran back to the ‘father’ and ‘son’ and pouted as Patton stretched his arm out to aid in protecting Virgil.

"C'mon Patton, why are you aiding a thief?" Roman tried in a gently and cooing voice.

"If it's my kiddo, then yeah." Patton chirped and Roman deflated in defeat as Virgil laughed.

"Thanks Dad!" Virgil mocked a child's voice. He reached over Patton's shoulder and gave Roman his phone back. Roman snatched it back and looked through it quickly, finding nothing wrong on surface level.

"What'd you do?" He asked and gave Virgil a look. His boyfriend smiled at him innocently and grabbed Patton's hand before continuing down the park path.

"Nothing, my love." Virgil said, mocking Roman at the end as his boyfriend falls behind and makes an offended noise.

"I'm flattered and offended!" Roman called to them and caught up.


"So," Patton began and nervousness washed over Roman as he held a sleeping Virgil on the couch.

"He finally coughed up his name?" He cooed, and Roman chuckled.

"Yeah. About time. He refused to tell me when I first confessed." Roman said, scratching Virgil's head and earning a soft pur in return.

"Is Prinxiety still a valid name?" Patton asked and Roman laughed a bit too loudly.

"Wh'tevar it w's, da answ'r is nu." Virgil slurred and stuffed face head into Roman's neck. Patton giggled and rolled his eyes.

"Well u say it is." Roman says and squeezed Virgil for a moment before returning to his phone screen.

A click of a camera went off and Roman looked to a mischievous looking Patton.

"Thomas owes me ten dollars now!" He chirped and sent the photo to his kiddo.

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