{Eleven✓} Fear Of Ramen Noodles

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Roman was pushing his boundaries as a friend. Secret for secret. What was he thinking?! Opening up to Roman about his pills. No more secrets for secrets.
No more opening up.
He wasn't a book to be read. He wasn't a flimsy journal with a small padlock you could easily bust open and read.
He wasn't one layered object.

Princey didn't need to get close to him anymore than he already was.

He knew enough.

Don't you dare get attached to him Virgil.


"You seem more distant today. Are you okay My Chemical Romance?" Roman asked, and Anxiety only shrugged.

It did bother him slightly that he wouldn't open up to Roman anymore, or trust him with anything.

"Shifts done." Anxiety murmured as a tall woman skipped in and headed into the backroom.
Once he stepped out, Roman met with Anxiety out side of the Employee's room.

"Seriously, are you okay?" Roman asked as they stepped outside. Anxiety groaned loudly, phone clutched in his hand.

"Yes! Just stop fucking asking! In fact, leave me the fuck alone Roman! God, you're so annoying!" Anxiety snapped, not meaning a single word that left his lips. Roman stood frozen, Anxiety's outburst coming completely from left field.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Roman whimpered slightly, his own fear of being rejected rising up.

"Fuck off." Anxiety huffed, Roman grabbed his sleeve and pulled him to the nearby park. Anxiety wiped at his eyes, smearing his eyeshadow.

"Anxiety. What's wrong?" Roman repeated, putting his hands on Anxiety's shoulders. His bangs fell in front of his face as he lowered his head.

"Seriously Roman. F-Fucking stop." Anxiety practically begged, voice cracking as he pushed against Roman's chest. The prince slipped his fingers under Anxiety's chin and had the other male look at him.

"Anxiety, something is wrong." Roman said sternly, trying his damned best to keep eye contact.

"Go fuck y-y-yourself Sir N-Noodle." Anxiety whined, trying to get his chin away from Roman's soft hold. Roman's eyebrows furrowed even more.

"Please," Roman begged, making Anxiety look at him again.

"Later. Now fuck off." Anxiety pushed against Roman's chest. This time Roman let go and Anxiety dashed off back in the direction of the bus stop.


Anxiety curled up on his bed, Patton brought him up a mug of warm tea. He gave Anxiety's hair a ruffle before happily making his way back out to his own room.

Anxiety didn't touch his phone, except to plug it in, he didn't want to accidentally see Prince's face anymore today.

He needed to break away from him slightly. To where he wouldn't feel bad if he pushed him away. He was punishing himself for trying to get a friend.

How dare he think he could properly socialize?

Don't you dare get attached to him Anxiety.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now