{Five✓} Cuddles

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Halfway through the movie, Roman felt a sudden weight gently fall on to his side, a comforting warmth radiating from it.
He looked to his side, Anxiety was passed out, pillow hugged tightly against his chest. His head rested on Roman's ribcage, Roman slowly removed his arm from behind his head and rested his hand on Anxiety's head, hair soft and unkept.

"Patton?" Roman spoke up, making the similar looking male look away from the skeletal dog on screen.

"What's up kiddo?" Patton asked, flashing a heart melting dad smile to the ever fanciful Roman.

"Is his name actually Anxiety?" He asked, and Patton visibly stiffened, but played it off with a smile.

"No, it's a odd nickname. I can't tell you his real name, if he feels comfortable enough with you, he'll tell you in time." Patton said gently and returned his gaze to the screen again.
Roman nodded to himself, telling himself that Anxiety was a mystery that needed to be unlocked. And most mysteries needed patience to be discovered.

He massaged Anxiety's head, and in response the shorter male unconsciously snuggled closer to him. A hand making it's way from the pillow, around Roman. As if he was another, much larger pillow.
The fanciful male removed his hand from Anxiety's head and placed a hand on his back, rubbing small shapes in between his shoulder blades.

"Why don't you stay the night bucko? It's late and I'm sure you don't want to ride the bus with those midnight weirdos." Patton giggled once the movie was over. Roman's eyes widened and he looked to a clock, it was about eleven thirty, and Logan wouldn't much mind Roman's disappearance.

"I'll let you have the couch! If you need anything, I'm on the left!" And with that, Patton happily went up stairs.
Roman looked back to Anxiety, the male was still holding onto him, his chest steadily rising and falling. He looked much more relaxed that he did at the Kofi Bean, and Roman found his small pout slightly cute.

He shifted his position slightly, while debating whether or not to wake him. As he was about to, Anxiety whined in his sleep and hugged Roman's sides a bit more tightly.
Roman cooed slightly and left Anxiety asleep, he got comfortable, and fell asleep with Anxiety curled up against him, his skinny arms wrapped tightly around him.


Anxiety woke up as the downstairs clock chimed three in the morning. Normally, Anxiety couldn't hear the clock from his bedroom. A warmth was underneath him, which confused him. His bed was normally cold, as he didn't take up much bed.

He opened his eyes and nearly shrieked in horror. An unconscious Prince was who he had his arms curled around. He sat up, taking care not to wake him.

He climbed off the couch and grabbed his phone, dead. Sighing, he rubbed his eyes, now wide awake from the scare of Prince's handsome sleeping face.

And as soon as that thought came, Anxiety immediately regretted it. He went up to his room silently, and plugged his phone in.
He went back downstairs and crept into the kitchen, sneaking a glance at the sleeping Prince.

A few hours later of Anxiety dwelling in the kitchen and in his room, he had found out he didn't have to go to work today when his phone would turn on again, and Patton woke up soon after.

"Hey Dad." Anxiety chimed quietly, and his father figure quickly looked at him.

"Mornin' kiddo! When do you have to go to work today?" He asked as he prepared himself a glass of chocolate milk.

"I don't have to go in today. Something about a nearby crime, and the owner not feeling safe having the employees coming in and out all day." Anxiety replied calmly, sneaking another glance at the stirring Ramen.

"Yay!" Patton squealed and clapped his hands together. Anxiety tiredly smiled at him, his jacket sleeves swallowing most of his hands as he rest his chin on them.

"A day of Father and kiddo bonding!" Patton chirped and returned to his chocolate milk. Roman sat up, rubbing his eyes, Anxiety looked over at him, a small smirk growing on his features.

"Morning Princey." Anxiety teased, and Prince jumped slightly. Anxiety crossed his legs to sit Indian style on the chair he was sat on.

"Get your beauty sleep?" Anxiety teased again, trying to play off the position he found himself in that morning.

"Of course!~" Prince Charming chuckled. Anxiety rolled his eyes and shot a small smile to Patton as he sat down with his World's Best Dad mug, filled to the brim with chocolate milk.

"Thank you for letting me stay." Prince said and stood, Patton smiled at him and nodded.

"Why don't you stay for breakfast? Unless you want to go home of course." Patton brought the cup to his lips and took a large sip, Roman smiled at them and joined them over at the table. He didn't take a seat, instead stood by the table and dusted off his shirt silently.

Anxiety stood and went into the kitchen, patting the top of Patton's head as he went. Roman watched him as Anxiety started to pull out the bread and pre-made pancake batter.

"You need help kiddo?" Patton called from the table, and Anxiety grumbled a sleepy 'no'. Roman eventually followed Anxiety into the kitchen, planning on being his flawless self and helping.

Anxiety had set the bread into the toaster, and was sat on the counter mixing the batter.

"What do you need Fairytale? We have orange juice and milk in the fridge if you want some, or you could steal one of my yogurts." Anxiety put heavy emphasis on one, not wanting his small yogurt cups to completely disappear in one day.

"Have you ever heard of yogurting, I believe it's called." Roman asked, leaning against the fridge.

"You're not spitting my yogurt at me." Anxiety hissed, looking up from the bowl of clumpy batter. Roman shrugged with a smile, trying to look like he dismissed the idea.

"You got some eyeshadow on your shoulder." Anxiety pointed out, and Roman gasped, looking to his shoulder, he did indeed have a smidge of eyeshadow rubbed off from Anxiety bags onto his flawless (now with a flaw though,) clothes.

"Here, stir while I go do something." Anxiety slid off the counter and handed him the bowl. Roman grumbled mockingly, but took the bowl and sat with Patton as he stirred the batter.

After a few minutes of innocently chatting with Patton and stirring, Anxiety came back downstairs, completely bareface.
Roman handed the bowl back to the pale male {rhymes~}, and followed him back into the kitchen, leaving Patton to happily look up pictures of dogs.

"Quit staring day-dreamer. It's weird." Anxiety hissed, face a few shades of pink.
Roman quickly inverts his gaze to the pan Anxiety pulled out and placed on the stove.

"So, last night?" Roman leaned against the fridge again and cheekily smiled.

"Good movie." Anxiety replied numbly and poured some of the batter onto the pans.

"Truly, but you know what I'm talking about." Prince cooed, hands on his hips as he tried to get a reaction from the other male.

"I was asleep for most of the night, no clue what you're talking about Mary Poppins." Anxiety replied with a shrug, but without his pale foundation, his subtle blush wasn't very well hidden.

"You woke up before me, I'll leave it at that." Prince chuckled, and crossed his arms.

"Please do." Anxiety mumbled, and silently continued to cook. Roman returned the silence, watching Anxiety carefully moving about the kitchen and filling a plate with small, and fluffy pancakes.

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