{Thirty Three} Treasure Hunt

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Patton gasped in excitement and wildly smiled at Roman.

"He'll love it!" He squealed and handed the small box back to Roman


Patton stopped Virgil as he was preparing to leave for work. Virgil raised a brow at the father figure as he handed him a small ball of popcorn held together by plastic wrap.

Virgil took as Patton winked at him and let the emo boy leave. He stared at the ball that fit snuggly in his hand and stuffed it in his hoodie pocket, deciding he'd eat it after his shift. It would only be three hours today, Virgil could wait that long.

As Virgil stepped behind the counter, and made sure the first thing he did while no one was in line was wipe off the spilt mocha on the machine. He made sure to refill the career before his shift was over, and went around the café as the next person came in and finished by topping off the salt and pepper shakers.

It was odd that the ramen noodle hadn't shown up today, but Virgil tried no to be creepy about it.

His phone suddenly went off in his hoodie pocket, and Virgil yanked it out as he walked down the side of the road.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Check outside where I met you.


Virgil turned back around with a huff and returned to the outside of Kofi Bean. He found an envelope in the potted shrubbery addressed to him.

He ripped the top off of it and pulled out a small slip of paper.

"Remember where you left my side so many days? Go there, a certain living dictionary is waiting for you there."

Surely this wasn't meant for him. Roman wouldn't set up something this elaborate just for him. But, nevertheless Virgil played along with his game. He tried to think of a place he left Roman's side alot, and after a minute came to the conclusion it was the bus stop.

He shoved the envelope into his hoodie pocket and remembered his ball of popcorn. He pulled it out as he quickly went to where Logan would be waiting. He was nearing the bus station as he finally found a peek in the plastic wrap where he could open the orb.

Logan watched him carefully as Virgil slipped a butter stained slip of paper from his popcorn.

"Mayhaps it would have been better if you had eaten that on the way to work." Logan commented as Virgil read what had been printed in the paper.

"Find me after work, in the shrubbery"

"Perhaps." Virgil said and folded up the paper and put it in his pocket.

"Okay, the bush told me to find you here. What's going on?" Virgil asked and started eating his popcorn. Logan revealed a neatly folded origami swan.

Virgil huffed and tried to unfold the paper bird without tearing it. Logan watched him carefully as Virgil flattened out the paper slip in his hands.

"Secret For Secret? Come find the next clue where we first exchanged secrets."

"Do you know what this is about?" Virgil asked and waved the paper in front of Logan.

"I do, but it would not be wise on my part to reveal the meaning quite yet. I shall allow Roman to tell you." Logan said and turned on his heels and started towards where his car was parked.

Virgil groaned and started towards the park.

The next clue was hidden in the cracks of the park bench Roman had pulled him to when he had tried to separate himself from him.

"Down the trail, is the place I brought you before. I had been so worried you were going to fall out the window."

Virgil wracked his brain for any memories he had with the noodle where he was willingly hanging out of a window, but couldn't make and clear memories.

He carried down the path, further into the park, and towards the connected forest, to try and find what Roman had been talking about.

Eventually, after much moaning and groaning, Virgil found a familiar looking run down house.

He entered the home and climbed up the stairs, his feet knowing exactly where to go as his mind was yet to catch up.

He found another envelope wedged in a closed door, again with Anxiety scrawled across the back, and stamped closed with a wax seal. Virgil peeled the seal off and slipped the paper out grumpily.

"Remember our last love debate? I would love for you to meet me there as my date."

Virgil flushed a light pink, but scoffed. It was just an excuse to rhyme. And besides, not all dates were romantic.

He exited the old house and quickly made his way out of the park. He just wanted to go lay down and take a nap, he'd been standing all day, and running around was not making him feel any better.

He quickly went to where he and Roman had last debated and quickly found him. Virgil huffed again and approached the jittery looking man.

"Yo Ramen. What the fuck is up with this treasure hunt?" Virgil crossed his arms and Roman smiled at him.

"Close your eyes." Roman instructed gently and Virgil rolled his eyes before doing as he was told. He face flushed as he felt a small breath against his face.

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