{Twenty One} Joan

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Roman awoke with a gasp, tears smearing his flushed cheeks as he shivered. Virgil was no better, waking up and immediately going into one of his worst panic attacks.

Thomas and Patton couldn't get him to listen to them as they tried to help, the two kids watching uselessly from the door.

Virgil couldn't breathe. He couldn't see, was it dark or were his eyes closed? Someone was to- Someone was touching him.

Someone had their hand on him-

On his-

What's- What're they touching? God, what what what what what? Shoulder!

Virgil flinched, making his chest hurt, and the panicking worsen.

Roman stumbled from his bed, trying to recall his dream. All he was able to remember is the names Joan and Virgil. And, Joan's face.

He didn't remember the dirty feeling that came whenever Joan touched him.

And he didn't know who Virgil was.

It took Virgil a good portion of the morning for him to somewhat calm from the dream. Thomas calling Kofi Bean to say he couldn't come into work.

"How can we help you feel better?" Patton asked Virgil gently, not moving his hand from the male's knee once he had been allowed to put it there.

"Stay," Virgil croaked, balling the blanket in his fists and staring at the top of the doorway.

The two kids had been ushered outside to play by Thomas hours ago.

"I'll stay here all day." Patton gently squeezed Virgil's knee. Virgil nodded and moved his eyes to the floor.


"Oh damn son, look at that swagger." Virgil mumbled, pointing to a guy stumbling a bit as he walked by. Roman glanced to his friend with a snort.

Virgil scratched at his arm and leaned slightly into Roman's side as a flood of pictures from the dream hit him.

"If I was your parent I would disown you for the use of that meme." Roman chuckled, pinching Virgil's cheek lightly. Virgil puffed out his cheeks, effectively setting his cheek free.

"Ah, you're just jealous." Virgil mumbled with a small, forced smirk. He wanted to ask Roman if he actually thought all of those things. If he'd actually watch him with in pain on the ground with a smile. But those questions were stupid, and just his dumb insecurities.

He jumped slightly as Roman's phone went off in his back pocket and the male quickly pulled it out. He subtly stared at the screen as Roman tapped on a Tinder notification, a twinge of something unfamiliar, and unpleasant nestled up in Virgil's stomach.

"Any update on the dream victim?" Virgil asked and leaned back, adverting his eyes to the sky when Roman looked up from his screen. Roman seemed to tense for a moment before sighing slightly.

"I had a very unpleasant dream last night," Roman started, peaking Virgil's interest. "I don't think it didn't contain said dream lover but another man. Joan I believe it was." Roman mumbled, getting himself confused.

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