{Fourteen✓} Dream Garden

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"Hello my dearest friend-doe!" Roman smiled at him, Virgil wiped the counter clean.

"The normal?" Virgil asked without looking up, Roman replied with a 'yep', finished with a pop of the P.
Anxiety nodded and shooed him off. Princey happily sat at an empty seat. Anxiety gets to his drink last, and calls him up to the counter as he usually does.

"Thank you!" Roman chirps and hands Anxiety his money. A few coins slip onto the ground, making Virgil glare at him for a moment before ducking down to grab the runaway change.

"How does that even taste. It's so complicated it can't taste good." Anxiety commented as he stood up again, Roman shrugged and held the cup, his elbow resting on the counter.

"Wanna try?" Roman asked, motioning to the straw he had put in the lid of his scream.

"Sure let me," Virgil went to grab a new straw, but the straw in the cup was already connected with his bottom lip.

"Nah, I'll just wipe the straw clean afterwards." Roman said, making Virgil roll his eyes. He takes the cup from Roman, and curls his lips around it. Taking a small sip, the taste of the drink was something he didn't expect.

It was good though.

Virgil wiped the straw himself on his apron, before handing the cup back to Roman, who takes it and wiped it slowly again.

"It's good. But, not as good as, my shift being over." Anxiety said and pointed to the front entrance with finger guns.

As Roman took a sip from his drink, he noticed a faint taste that wasn't normally in his drink.

Black liquorice.



"How is your dream lover?" Virgil asked, stretching out on the couch. Patton and Thomas quietly chanting from the top of the stairs. The kids stared at them as if they had finally lost their minds.

"Oh, I heard a little of a conversation last night. A huge sense of deja vu kept hitting me through the entire dream." Roman said and pushed Anxiety's legs to the side.

"You know what that means." Roman said, a goofy smile rolling onto his features.

"No." Virgil replied and curled up, nuzzling the side of his face into the arm chair.
Roman scoffed and rolled his eyes with a smile.

"That means I've actually met him, and I've spoken to him." Roman said, shaking Virgil excitedly. Anxiety whined and swatted at the regal male's hand away from his hip.

"Woop-de-do." Virgil replied tiredly, making a circle with his finger.

Missy ran downstairs, and immediately Pranks came practically tumbling down after his sibling. Roman smiled at them as they climbed onto the couch, Missy snuggling their way into Virgil's arms, Pranks working their way behind Virgil's legs, and tangling his own with Anx's.

Thomas came downstairs, acting as if he hadn't been listening for the past ten minutes, chanting a name like a mad man quietly with Patton.

"Hello Princey." Thomas said with a smile, earning a smile in return from the other male, and a gracious hello.

"Are you staying the night?" Thomas asked and fished the orange juice carton from the fridge.

"No, I'm just staying a little while longer, Anxiety wanted to help me figure out Tumblr." Roman says, moving to the side as the almost passed out Anxiety twitched.

"Oh, if anyone knows Tumblr, it's the emo nightmare." Thomas chuckled as Patton skipped downstairs.

"'m not a 'mo n'mare. I' just 'ltern'ive." Anxiety slurred, eyebrows knit together.
Everyone talked too much.

"Whatever you say Prinxiety." Thomas chuckled, making Patton squeal slightly. Roman looks at them oddly, pondering the weird name.

Patton smiled at him goofily, pointing quick finger guns at him before going to grab a cookie.


Virgil strolls through a calm garden. His dreams often held this garden. It was his safe place in his mind, he was comfortable here.
He could leave this place and adventure through his imagination.

But it was nice here, and he could just curl up with the wilted lilies, who weep for everything that he wasn't, and is.

Plus, the garden allowed him to do whatever he pleased, he could rest, let his mind fall into bliss.

This was the place he wanted to be with his dream lover.
Where he wanted to stretch out with them. Hold them to his side. See them with his own eyes, like Prince had been graced with. Even if he couldn't remember their face as well.

He didn't believe in soulmates, true loves, or love at sight sight, but it would be nice if his mind gifted him a slight idea of someone to love.


Virgil is woken up by a movement on the couch, he wasn't awake enough to make out what they were saying, but it was definitely Thomas, Patton, and maybe Prince talking. Then the front door opened and closed.

Virgil's arm was lifted, and a warmth was removed from his chest. He whined, trying to move back to his original position.
Another warmth was lifted from his legs.

"'hat 're you doin'?" Anxiety whined, eyes opening a bit to try and make out the blurry imagines in front of him. A soft hand was placed on his cheek, brushing his bangs out of the way of his face. Virgil tried to nuzzle into the warmth, earning a soft chuckle.

"Shh, you can go back to sleep Virg." Patton gently mumbled and laid a blanket on him. Virgil curled up even more and snuggled into the blanket.

The living room lights turned off, and footsteps made their way upstairs.

Virgil laid still, stuck in the middle of sleep and being awake. The warmth, and silence of the room soon serenaded him back to sleep, where he laid back in his garden.

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