{Twenty Three} Visiting For Dinner

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"What're you planning kiddo?" Patton asked teasingly as Virgil shooed him out the door. Virgil rolled his eyes, oblivious to the two children behind him pulling silly faces.

"I wanna get this over with. I don't like eating around other people." Virgil mumbled and chewed on his hoodie string. Patton smiled at him and closed the front door, winking at the kids.

"Then why'd you agree to this?" Patton asked gently climbing into the car the family friend lent them. Virgil shrugs and climbed into the passenger seat. Patton starts up the car and lightly tugs Virgil towards him by his jacket sleeve.

"We'll have fun tonight, okay Virge? We're gonna go hang out with your noodle friend and Logan and free food!" Patton giggled, making sure not to be too loud as his head was directly next to Virgil, his arm around his shoulders. Virgil smiled, playing with his jacket sleeves.

"Yeah. Let's go be free loaders." Virgil mumbled and leaned into Patton. Dad smiled again and gently pat his kiddo's should before the two pulled away and Patton started the car.

Once the two were outside the house, Roman having texted Virgil his address and them copy and pasting it into Google maps, Virgil started twitching with anxiety again.

Patton noticed as he pulled the keys out of the ignition and set them on the dash to help calm his dark strange son.

"Hey, freeloaders, right?" Patton smiled at Virgil, who blew out a heavy sigh and nodded.

"Yeah, I know Ramen, why am I so anxious?" Virgil shook his hands and climbed out, Patton following a moment after.

The front door flew open and Roman dramatically stepped out, pulling out a Logan, who was struggling to keep his glasses from falling from his face, and keep a hold of his Harry Potter book.

Patton giggles at Logan's graceless stumbling as Roman stopped in front of Virgil and bowed grandly. Virgil rolled his eyes as Patton launched himself into a conversation about Harry Potter with Logan, who was still trying to compose himself.

"How're you noodles?" Virgil asked and made sure his car door was locked.

"Already trying to get away from me?" Roman teased, making Virgil roll his eyes. And before he could sarcastically reply, Roman picked him up from the ground, throwing Virge over his shoulder.

Virgil yelped and effectively got Patton's eagle eye draw to him. The emo hit Roman's back half-heartedly a few times before giving up and watching Patton and Logan as they followed after them.

Virgil squeaked as Roman carefully slid him off his shoulder and set Virgil down onto a dining chair. Virgil wobbled a bit, Roman's hands coming to his sides and helping him get himself stable.

"Ramen I don't want to stand on your chair." Virgil huffed, and Roman shrugged, hands moving down to Virgil's good and lifting him up again (getting Patton to squeal practically in Logan's ear) and set him down on the ground.

"Awe, don't be a grump you raisin cookie." Roman chuckles as he pinches Virgil's cheek, making a small tick come from the separation of Virgil's cheek and teeth.

Virgil pulled his cheek away, worried his makeup had come off on Roman's fingers. Logan led Patton into the kitchen, the two resuming their Harry Potter discussion as Virgil inspected Roman's fingers.

"Did you mess up my makeup?" Virgil asked, pouting up at the slightly taller male. Roman smiled at him, a warmth spreading through his chest as he felt the incredibly urge to wrap Anx up in a tight hug and never let go.

"Hmm," Roman hummed and cocked his head to the side to inspect Anxiety's cheek. A subtle freckle showed itself where Roman's thumb had been, but it was cute.

"Your fine." Roman said and Anx smiled a bit, and Roman combusted on the inside. So did Patton, who was squeezing Logan's arm with the unrelenting strength of fanboying father figure.

"Let's serve dinner!" Roman said loudly and guided Virgil into the kitchen carefully by his wrist, Patton composing himself in a matter of seconds and jumping straight back into Logan and his paused discussion.

"What're we havin’ Lo?" Virgil asked, silently wishing for no one to point out the loose knot of his tie and it sitting slightly sideways on his chest.

Roman's phone went off in his back pocket.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now