{Six✓} A Stay In Sweater Town

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Soon after breakfast and Roman left, Anxiety changed into a oversized grey turtleneck sweater and black pajama pants. He planned on enjoying his off day, and Patton was allowing him to stay in his room as long as he needed before they went out to get take out and chat for a little.

Anxiety plugged his phone in and curled up in the mess of his blankets. He had just gotten comfortable and was enjoying the warmth and comforting silence, until his mind started to wander from the soft glow of the fairy lights and the hum of the air conditioning.

Then, the over thinking started.

His chest tightened, and mind started to beat down on him like a metaphorical drum. He thought back to the parents at the bus stop, the odd looks people gave him outside, and his general loss of hope for humanity and himself.

He felt his eyes burn, and the silence soon started to eat away at him, and his nails dug into his palms. He didn't want to have an attack now, not one his lazy day.

Not when he was supposed to be happy.

He forced himself to stand and stumbled out of his room like a drunken sailor, and found Patton downstairs with his cookie jar.

"Hey Virg!" Patton chirped, and Anxiety trudged towards him and sat down next to him.

"You okay bud? Lookin' a little gloomy there." Anxiety shrugged, and pulled his sleeves down further, his hands completely disappearing under the fabric.

"Anx?" Patton gently called, making Anxiety flinch as he placed a hand on his shoulder.
Anxiety pulled the neck of his sweater over his face until only his hair was exposed.

He didn't want to feel like this. He wanted to be happy, relaxed at least, on his day off.
He wanted to enjoy himself with Patton. Wanted to take a simple nap without having his mind hate itself.
Wanted to look in the mirror without thinking too something.

Too pale.

Too thin.

Too pudgy.

Too tired.

Too ugly.

Too alive looking.

"Virgil isn't here, he's in Sweater Town." Anxiety croaked, and Patton chuckled gently. His hand gently ran through the younger male's hair.

"Stay in Sweater Town as long as you need to, okay?" Patton said with a small laugh in his voice. Anxiety leaned back into the couch and nodded.


Roman smiled at the phone camera, posing like a typical narcissist would. He was finally out of that Disney wannabe outfit, it was replaced with a royal red hoodie, a yellow shirt poking out from under it.

It's nice and warm over here! 👑👑 Can't wait for the audition tomorrow! ♥ 🎤🎶
Comin' for you Kofi Bean too~ 😄

Anxiety shuttered at the emojies, and rolled his eyes at the picture again. He'd need to teach Princey how to properly post on Tumblr.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now