{Twenty Six} Patton's Makeup

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[I feel like that was Roman's expression last chapter~]

Roman squinted, trying to see the face of the male in front of him clearly. They didn't make a move to speak, or help Roman identity them.

They just stood still, head slightly tilted slightly down, and hands tight fists. Roman reached towards them, going to touch their shoulder when they flinched away and a pitiful whimper escaped him.

Roman drew his hand back in surprise. He studied the clearing static in front of the male's face and just as it was clearing, they flickered from existence, bright red splatters taking him away and replacing them with Joan.

Roman back up, the feeling of dread filling his stomach. Joan smiled at him lovingly, and Roman knew he was too as he felt his face involuntarily move into a grin.

Roman was then shown Anxiety, without his makeup, but heavy bags still under his eyes. His eyes were red and glossy. Roman wanted to move but he couldn't. It didn't feel right.

Virgil was humming I Am Damaged as he scratched something on a notebook page. Roman tried to thrash his body around, or try and speak, but nothing happened.

Roman wasn't sure why he was being shown this. Why nothing was happening. Why the only reason Roman wanted to move was to hug Anxiety.

"Hope you'll miss me, wish you'd kiss me. Then you'd know I worship you." Anxiety quietly sang, and Roman again wanted to know why he was being shown this.

" Then he woke up. "


Virgil spilled his guts to Patton, confessing his conflicting feelings on Roman, and the heartbreak of receiving the information straight from him he lived another.

Patton frowned and gently pulled Virgil to his chest. Virgil hiccuped, pitiful sobs filling the living room. Patton rubbed his back, gaze hardening on the colorful cover of his coloring book.

"I knew this would happen dad. I can't make him love me, and I can't expect him to magically return my feelings. I know this, and it still hurts so much." Virgil shivered, becoming too tired to weep anymore.

"It's okay kiddo. First loves are hard. I get it." Patton said gently, kissing the side of his head. Virgil sniffled, and leaned into Patton, missing the children's presence in the house and regretting the decision to force them back home.

"Say, let's see if you feel any better after a nice warm shower, and we'll listen to Falling In Reverse and Twenty One Piolets until we can't keep our eyes open." Patton smiled, lowering his face slightly so Virgil would look at him.

The heartbroken young male nodded, eyeshadow in trails down his cheeks and smeared all over his cheeks.

"Maybe you can give me a goth make over as well after." Virgil smiled at this and nodded again, using the greyed back of his hands to wipe away a new year from atop his cheekbone.

"Okay, you pick out something to change into and I'll start on some sweets while you go get cleaned up." Patton kissed Virgil's cheek and pat him on the back before standing and leaving Virgil to grab clothes.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now