{Thirty One} This Won't Work Out

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[Just internally freaking out about the new video]

Roman knew now Joan was not the one. They were not the Dream Lover Roman hunted for.

And a prince does not drag someone along.


Hey, Joan?


Could you come meet me at the park?

Of course!


Joan hops of from the park bench and smiles at Roman. Suddenly he thought he was being greedy, or that he was wrong and his dreams would be even more pissed off at him for doing this.

"Hey Romantic, what's up? You look nervous." Their eyebrows knit together in concern and Roman feels even more guilty.

"Joan," Roman started off slowly. "I, don't think we're going to work. You're a wonderful person but I don't feel comfortable being romantic partners with you. And this sounds cheesy, but perhaps we could still be friends?"

Joan gave him a look and chuckled lightly.

"Absolutely. I understand!" Joan laughs. "We can still be buds."


"Hey Dad, I saved you some cupcakes from this weekend. Dunno how you haven't-" Virgil paused as he heard other voices in the living room and tried to make out who it was.

He quickly ran back up the stairs, hoping Roman hadn't seen, or heard him.
That was highly unlikely though.

Virgil made sure to lock his door and he immediately snatched up his headphones. He knew he couldn't keep running from his problems like this, but certainly one more day of this wouldn't hurt.

After a minute of Virgil fumbling with the wire, a small knock sounds from the door.

"Anxiety?" Roman said gently from the other side. Virgil stayed silent and hoped he'd just go away. Virgil didn't know what to say without screaming his feelings.

"I know you're in there." Roman said and twisted the handle slowly. Virgil stayed silent and held his headphones to his chest.

"I guess you aren't gonna respond you dark prince." Roman chuckled lightly. "So, I broke it off with Joan. They're nice, but they aren't the one. Ya know? Like they aren't the dream love, you so rudely accused me of stalking. He-" Roman stopped and Virgil breathing paused as he heard a small thump against the door.

He stood and walked over to the door. He was hesitant to unlock the door.

"I figured out who he is, and I think you'd like him." Roman finished off in a single song voice. Virgil unlocked the door and pulled it open slightly.

Roman jolted back, removing his forehead from the wood. Roman smiled widely at him, even though only half of Virgil's freckled face showed from the crack in the door.

"I tend to not like a lot of people." Virgil replied quietly, and Roman chuckled.

"How've you been?" Roman asked, and Virgil shrugged.

"I baked a shit load for the neighbors last weekend." The emo mumbled and leaned against the door. It was nice, talking to Roman again.

"I saw." Roman laughed, face a nice rosy pink.

"Want to come in?" Virgil asked and opened the door slightly, hiding behind it a little. Roman smiles again and steps in.

"You've put up posters." Roman commented, taking note of the band posters, and singular Nightmare Before Christmas poster up on the wall. Just like his dream.

"Mmhm." Virgil hummed and picked up his phone. Roman took a seat on the edge of Virgil's bed and Verge climbed on his bed and pulled the wire out from under Roman.

"Hey, so, what happened at the park? Did, I do something?" Roman asked carefully and Virgil shrunk back into his comforter.

"Bad anxiety, I thought I was going to ruin our friendship and decided to stop it on good terms." Virgil lied, and Roman studied him carefully. Luckily, he seemed to but it.

"So, who's your dream lover really?" Virgil asked, smirk tipping onto his face as it looked like Roman was going to say something.

Roman's eyes widened and he hesitated. Not a good sign.

"Classified." He answered with a smirk finally, and Virgil raises a brow at him skeptically.

"Oh, you can't tell me I'll like them, then keep their name from me." Virgil mumbled, but then his eyes widened in horror.

"Ew! Is it Patton?! Are you gonna be like my stepdad?! Eww!" Virgil whined and Roman laughed loudly, and tried to imagine it.

"It's not Patton!" Roman laughed, and Virgil stuck his tongue out in mock disgust. A small “bleh” came from him as he took imagined Patton being all lovey dicey with his- what is he? Crush? Love interest?

"Is it Logan?" Virgil asked after a minute of wracking his brain for the few people he liked. Roman gasped loudly and fake gaged, pointing at the back of his throat as he did.

"Of course not!" He shrieked and Virgil chuckled.

"Hmm, that's all the- IT'S THOMAS ISN'T IT!" Virgil yelled and Roman froze, Virgil took this as a sign he was correct.

"OH MY GOD YOU'VE BEEN DREAM STALKING MY COUSIN!" Virgil's yells were muffled by Roman's hand as the princely male jumped up and pressed his palm against Virgil's lips.

Virgil fell back, laughter muffled against the inside of Roman's hand. Roman tried to keep himself from toppling down on his ‘soulmate’ as he fell forwards and put a hand by Anxiety's head to steady himself.

"It is not Thomas." Roman huffed, but didn't move from overtop Anx, secretly liking this position.

"You sure?" Anxiety smirked and Roman held back the urge to get a real life taste of cinnamon and liquorice.

"Absa-positively!" Roman nodded his head as if yo confirm the mixture of absolutely and positively. Virgil rolled his eyes and lightly pushed against Roman's chest.

"I am as gay as you romantic tragedy, but I don't believe this position is much appropriate." Virgil chuckled, a confident glitter in his eyes. Roman blushed and climbed off him, Virgil sitting up with him.

Roman liked him confident, made him look kissable.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now