{Twenty Five} Boyfriend.

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Virgil had made up his mind. He was going to try and tell Roman his feelings. Hopefully without an anxiety attack in the middle of it. Because that totally didn't happen while he was rehearsing what he would say.

He entered Kofi Bean with a slightly puffed out chest as he entered the employees room and grabbed his apron.

He is going to make real love work.

Eventually Roman did come in and Virgil's lines flew a mile a minute through his mind as he tried to look like he wasn't an emotional wreck, or a jiddy mess.

"The usual?" Virgil asked, and Roman smiled while fishing out the money.

"Hey Walt Disney," Virgil said as he grabbed a cup. Roman hummed, a coin clicking as he placed it onto the counter.

"Wanna meet at the park after my shift?" He asked, and Roman's smiled widened.

"Of course you primarily raisin oatmeal cookie!" Roman laughed and winked and went to sit down.

Roman was still there when Virgil's shift ended, and smiled blindingly bright at him.

This is going to work.

Virgil had a feeling in his stomach. He didn't know if it was anxiety. The increasing urge to vomit. Or that weird thing called love.

"Let's get a go on you washed out Billie Joe Armstrong." Roman chuckled and put his phone away. Virgil fixed his jacket and makes sure his phone was in his pocket.

"Ya know, I'm glad you wanted to meet at the park, I want to tell you something." Roman said and rubbed the back of his neck. Virgil's heart fell into a rythmatic tune of nervousness as he nodded.

The two carried on friendly banter until they reached the park gate, they both fell silent as they approached an empty bench.

"Secret for secret noodle boy?" Virgil brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his knees.

Roman nodded and a nervous smile tipped onto his features.

"I have a boyfriend." Roman announced and Virgil's icky feeling of love dissolved into the pushing urge to vomit. The feeling of sickness and betrayal pushed at the back of his throat.

Virgil knew he shouldn't feel betrayed. Roman had no clue.

Love doesn't exist for him anyways.

Roman took Virgil's silence as a que to go on, which Virgil didn't want.

"His name is Joan, and we've been talking for nearly a month." Roman said, and Virgil tried not to look hurt or cry.

Virgil knew Roman for longer.
Much longer than a god-damned month.

Roman hesitated, unsure if he should offer Anx to meet Joan, or if he should allow Anxiety to say his question.

"Your turn?" Roman nervously twitched, and tried not to shrink back into the park bench as Anxiety stiffly stood and refused to look at him.

"I don't want to be your friend anymore." He said numbly and started walking away, leaving a stunned Roman alone on the bench and watching Anxiety leave.


"GO AWAY!" Virgil screamed, voice raw with weeping as he shook in his bedroom doorway.

Patton stepped back in surprise and Thomas held his hands up in a mock surrender.

"Kiddo, calm down." Patton said gently, the heartbreak clear in Virgil's eyes. If Virgil wasn't releasing the hurt onto him at the moment, he'd be ready to break someone's skull.

"NO. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALO-" Virgil fell against the door, and broke down sobbing. Patton rushed to his side, and as his hand lightly met with Virgil's arm gently ba scream erupted from the emo.

Patton stumbled back, Virgil's "DON'T TOUCH ME" coming in one ear and out the other as Thomas caught Patton.

The door slammed and Virgil collapsed on his bed. He should have never loved. He should have never opened up. He should have never made a friend. Fucking secret for secret bullshit. He shouldn't fucking be alive.

The next morning, Thomas and the kids were kicked out, and Virgil called in to Kofi Bean saying he couldn't come into work.

Roman had no idea what he had just done.

Ramen {Sanders Sides- Prince × Anxiety} COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now