{Eighteen} Clear Plastic Wrap

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{Ahh~ the new outfits look sooo good! Props to Joan and Talyn! Such great friends}

Virgil didn't remember falling asleep, or Roman carrying him into his house because he just wouldn't wake up.
Or said prince's concerned mumbles throughout the car ride.

He did remember taking his pill and going to the park, and that cool abandoned house. Then waking up with Pranks jumping on his while Roman pulled Patton to the side.

"Squirt I'll sc'lp you." Virgil growled, pushing Pranks off him. The kid fell off the couch with a squeal, but giggled as he climbed back on and stood on the couch cushion in between Virgil's legs.

"What d' ya want?" Virgil slurred, rubbing his eyes. Pranks sat behind him smiling evilly at the stairs. Missy came down the stairs, walking into clear plastic wrap. He shrieked and flailed around, trying to get free.

Patton ran over and Thomas looked down the stairs. Pranks, Virgil, and Thomas, were loudly laughing as Patton pulled Missy free. Roman quietly chuckling and glancing over to Virgil, who was now wide awake. Virgil held his hand up for Pranks, who high-fived him.

"I forgive you for waking me up now." Virgil chuckled, Missy glaring at the two of them.

"Look who's finally awake." Roman chuckled, making Virgil look at him and stick out his tongue.

"Your hair's messed up." Virgil replied sarcastically, making Roman's eyes widen and he frantically starts to fix his hair, which wasn't even messed up until Roman started to 'fix' it.

"Now it's messed up. It was fine before." Virgil snickered, making Roman gasp and pout. He tried to fix his hair again, using the reflection on the fridge to help.

"You're so cruel." Roman muttered and crossed his arm, Virgil chuckled and looked back to Missy and Patton.

Missy jumped onto the couch, a foot slipping and landing on Virgil's stomach. Virgil curled up on himself and groaned in pain as Missy started to hit a laughing Pranks.

"God, I'm never having kids." Virgil groaned and stood, hand on his stomach. Patton chuckled and gave him a pat on the shoulder before quietly resuming his chat with Roman.

"Thomas, you get down here an replace me. I'm going back to bed." Virgil called and pushed Thomas slightly, making the other male laugh as he hopped down the rest of the stairs.

Virgil pushed his bedroom door open, glad to see the kids had not messed it up more than it already was. The emo nightmare trudged over to his bed, unexplainably tired.
He fell on his bed, snuggling up under his comforter and pulling a pillow to his chest to cuddle.

Virgil would never admit it, but he was definitely a hard core cuddler.

Roman had came in just as Virgil started to doze off, the taller male just wanting to bid Virgil a fair goodbye.

Virgil whined and snuggled his face into the pillow as the hallway light flooded into his room. Roman chuckled lightly and stepped in, looking about the once nearly pitch black room.

"I'm heading home, very gracious of you to join me today." Roman purred, Virgil responded with an unintelligible whine about the light and cuddled even closer to his pillow. Roman chuckled and quietly pulled the door close, leaving Virgil to finally pass out.


"So, I saw what your friends did for your birthday." Virgil commented as he ate a bowl of sugary cereal.

"At the meet and greet?" He asked, looking up from his Tumblr. Virgil nodded and started tapping out Freeze Your Brain on the table.

"Oh! That! Yeah, that was super cool of them! I love 'em!" Thomas gushed, smiling dumbly at Virgil.

"I'm surprised you have friends." Virgil chuckled, making Thomas pout and stick his tongue out at him. Virgil chuckled and ate another spoonful of his cereal.

"Now, don't be mean kiddo." Patton chuckled as he entered the living room. Thomas greeted Patton happily as Virgil returned to eating his cereal silently.

"Are you going to work today Virge?" Patton asked, making himself some cereal. Patton sat on the floor with his cereal and looked over to Virgil as he started to eat.

"Um, in one or two hours." Virgil mumbled, poking at the cereal left in the bowl. Patton smiled and nodded and started to eat, his teeth occasionally clacking against the metal spoon.

Virgil finished his milk and put his bowl in the sink before heading upstairs to start getting ready for work.

Virgil started on his makeup, putting on a bit more eyeshadow than usual as his mind started to wander. He grabbed his eyeliner pencil, and drew on a thin line under his eyes. Satisfied, Virgil quickly brushed his teeth before stepping out to change out from his old clothes, into a new pair of jeans and a black shirt.

Missy and Pranks we're tangled up together, asleep on the guest bed. Virgil silently entered the room and started to think of something to do to punish them for still being asleep.

He quickly went downstairs and grabbed the duck tape from the kitchen before wordlessly going back upstairs.
He duck taped their ankles and wrists together as if they were being held hostage before putting tape over their mouths and leaving with a smirk.

"I'm heading out." Virgil said as he pulled on his hoodie and grabbed his house keys.

"Okay, bye kiddo!" Patton chirped, Virgil waved a final time before stepping out and heading down to the bus stop.

Once Virgil got behind the counter, he immediately went to work, trying his best not to talk to anyone other than the pleasantries. Then, appeared Mr. Tie Man.

"Hello Anxiety." Logan said calmly, Virgil nodded to him and rested his elbows on the counter.

"What'd ya need?" Virgil asked, trying not to rub the itch under his eye and smudge the eyeshadow.

"What do you need." Logan corrected. "And I would like a black coffee please." Robo Teach said and pulled out his wallet.

"Five twenty then." Virgil replied and held his hand out for the money, eyes catching the new tie he had on.

"Here," Logan mumbled and handed Virgil six dollars. Virgil started to get Logan's change.

"Nice tie teach." Virgil commented, making Logan look down at his tie. Logan took his eighty cents with a small awkward smile before going to sit down.

The rest of the day went smoothly, a few getting grumpy at the prices and Virgil having to take a breather as the manager handled them.

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