{Twenty Seven} Frustrated

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Roman cried out and chucked his phone across the room as the conversation held between him and Anxiety froze, then a cherry sentence was all that was seen on the screen.

"Uh Oh! You've been blocked!"

A happy message telling him any online communication between him and the emo was cut.

'That. Your answers are in what you typed.'

That didn't make sense. He tried to look at it from Anxiety's point of view, but lack of information made it impossible. And Roman was too stubborn to agree with that theory.

Logan stuck his head in the room, half full mug in hand and glasses on top of his head. Ready to slip down onto his face. A sign he had been reading before the noise the phone had made against the wall drew him.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked sharply, eyeing the dent in the wall. Roman instantly shoved his face into his hands and a frustrated whimper escaped him.

Logan was unsure if Roman was over reacting again.
But stayed with a soft sigh.

"What is plaguing you?" Logan asked and set his mug of warm tea down on Roman's desk.

"Anxiety won't speak to me. I told him about Joan and he broke off our friendship, he blocked me, he-he he wouldn't answer me clearly." Roman stopped to try and keep his eyes dry. His pride was crumbling at his feet for someone he wasn't even involved with.

Logan hummed and stared at the dip in the golden wall. Roman rubbed his temples and breathed heavily.

"Meet him at the coffee shop. Talk to him face to face to face pacifically. Hopefully he'll respond to you when he does not have the ability to 'block' you." Logan said and stepped out, unable to supply whatever emotional support Roman would need.

Roman thought of what he had said, and sat up straight.
Yeah. He'd just meet Anxiety face to face. Then he'd have to speak to him!


Oh shit, let's hope his phone wasn't broken.

He jumped from his bed and grabbed his phone. He inspected the screen, pleased there wasn't any huge crack across the majority of it. There was a tiny crack the size of a hair on the very corner, bit Roman could somehow manage to live with it.

New text from Joan💙

Roman tapped on it and quickly unlocked his phone.

First date Friday still on right?🌈

Of course!

Roman almost added love at the end of his reply, but it didn't feel right to add.


"Anxiety please," Roman begged, following the male down the street. Anxiety was speed walking down the sidewalk, he didn't even look at Roman and uncharacteristically held his head up high.

"Just talk to me! I want to fix this!" Roman's face flushed in frustration and he motioned between the two of them. Anxiety's eyes flickered towards him, but didn't meet Roman's.

This was getting rediculose.

"Anxiety-" Roman started, hand reaching towards Anxiety's. He jerked his hand away, bringing it up to his chest and glared at Roman. His chest puffed out and he stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, cold eyes meeting Roman's.

"That's not my name." He snapped and started speeding away again. Roman huffed in anger and ran to catch up with him and grabbed his wrist.

Anxiety pulled his hand free and pushed Roman away. Roman stumbled back in surprise at just how strong Anxiety seemed to be.

Anxiety stepped into a café and immediately went to the counter. Roman looked through the front glass as a teary eyed Anxiety pointed to him, and wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand.

The cashier have him a sympathetic nod and went to the back. Roman stepped into the café, quickly becoming desperate for Anxiety just to speak to him.

The cashier and a taller male walked out. The buffer man approached Roman and the male froze in slight anger and confusion.


Virgil watched as Roman was forced out the the café and sighed in relief. He'd been harassing him for answers ever since Virgil got off his shift.

The man was stupid.

He understood nothing.

Virgil stopped on his tea, trying a kind Patton had made for him in highschool after anxiety attacks. It'd been a while since Virgil had tasted it, and he wasn't sure if it was bringing back find memories, or nightmares.

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