{Twenty Four} Good At Singing

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"Oh, I had Roman assist me in making a simple pasta." Logan said, but when Virgil looked over the brim on the pot it looked anything but simple. And way too red to be pasta.

"Doesn't look simple." Virgil mumbled as Roman shooed him away from the food. Said regal soon disappeared, leaving the two nerds and Virgil alone.

"Roman had a special recipe he enforced I use." Logan said with distain, and Virgil nodded. Sounded like him.

"Smells good!" Patton chirped and looked into the pot. Logan begrudgingly nodded in agreement.

Whoops! You get back to your cookie~



I should get back to the kitchen, I can practically hear Patton looking at the food.

Okay you flirt.

Roman tossed his phone onto the kitchen and proceeded to gracefully pull out plates, handing them over to everyone. Anxiety stumbled a bit, surprised by the plate suddenly forced in his hands.

Roman chuckled and placed a hand on his head to steady him. Anx pouted a bit, giving Roman a pointed look. The princely male smiled at Anxiety who grumbled and looked away.

Virgil was glad he caked on the eye shadow.

Logan rolls his eyes and starts to fill his plate with pasta, Patton doing the same, but piling on much more noodles. Roman is next, and Virgil waits til everyone sat down to put a little on his plate and slowly going the going them.

Roman's gives the small amount of food on his plate, but made no comment on it.

Virgil picked at his food, surprised that the pasta actually tasted good. Perhaps too much pepper, or whatever those black dots are, but other than that it was good.

The three others were laughing and talking loudly amoungst one another, and Virgil silently obsorbing the information produced through the conversations.

"Oh, Anx is really good at singing!" Patton chirped, sending a smile Virgil's way. They had been discussing theater when Roman started on a musical he wanted to be in.

Virgil flushed a violent red, seen through his foundation and stared down at his plate as Roman and Logan too looked at him.

"No 'm not." Virgil mumbled, and Roman chuckled, reaching over to ruffle Virgil's hair. Something he was grateful for as it made his hair fall even more in front of his face.

"That's adorable." Roman laughed, and Virgil tried to become one with the chair. Logan studied his carefully as Virgil tried not to do any of his nervous ticks as Patton and Roman started a completely new conversation.

"What do you want Slytherin?" Virgil asked, trying to sound sarcastic. It seemed to work.

Logan opened his mouth to reply, when a loud ding sounded from the living room and Roman jumped up from his seat and ran to the couch.

He returned a minute later and sat back down in his seat, fingers running through his fingers fixing his hair.

"You got a friend finally?" Virgil teased, and Roman huffed and pouted.

"I thought we were friends." Roman whined, and Virgil shrugs, making Roman gasp at the lack of confirmation of their friendship.

"Ugh, you wound me." Roman sighed, a grin tipping onto his features after a moment and he pulled Logan into the conversation he was having previously with Patton.


Virgil fell asleep on the drive back home, he had managed to snuggle his earphones into the car on the way to Roman and Logan's home. They were now in his ears with Falling In Reverse lightly creeping out of his ears and finding it's way into Patton's.

The words muffled and music hard to make out a beat with. Patton didn't mind the quietness of the music as he drove, eyes hard on the road in front of him.

Virgil was becoming more- or less distance. He was trusting Patton with things previously he held close to his chest, but he was also stopping certain things he used to trust Patton with.
It seemed every new secret Virgil would allow to slip through, two would be pulled away from the father figure.

It hurt.

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